Dependable Erection

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Beaver Queen Pageant - the singalongs

Since the theme of the pageant this year is Hair, here's some lyrics for you to join in singing along with your fellow beaver aficionados. And i know you know you the tunes.
The Age Of Aquarius

When the moon is in the seventh Lodge
And Juniper entwines with Logs,
Then Peace will come to the River
And Love will rule the Bogs!

This is the Damming of The Age of Aquarius, The Age of Aquarius,
Aquarius........... Aquarius !

harmony and understanding,
sympathy and trust abounding
no more falsehoods or derisions
golden swimming dreams of visions
mystic river revelation
and the tails true liberation

When the moon is in the seventh Lodge
And Juniper entwines with logs,
Then Peace will come to the River
And Love will rule the Bogs!

This is the Damming of The Age of Aquarius, The Age of Aquarius,
Aquarius........... Aquarius !

Aquarius........... Aquarius !


(Let the beaver ...?)
Let the beaver swim, the beaver swim --
Let the beaver
Let the beaver swim ,the beaver swim!
(repeat forever)

Good Morning Stream Shine

Good Morning Stream Shine
The Lodge says hello
You twinkle around us,
You twinkle below.

Good morning Stream Shine
Your current is strong,
Your waters slick back all our fur and
As we wake with our swimming song

Dammy wammy wammy
Dammy wammy wammy,
Dam dam dam, wam dam

Splashy washy washy
Splashy washy washy
In the dam dam

Dammy wammy wammy
Dammy wammy wammy,
Early morning Swimming Song!

Good morning Stream Shine
The Lodge says hello
You sparkle for us
And make life mellow,

Good Morning Stream Shine
Your river is long,
Your waters cool our whiskers, paws
and claws,
As we wake with our Swimming Song!

Dammy wammy wammy
Dammy wammy wammy,
Dam dam dam, wam dam

Splashy washy washy
Splashy washy washy
In the dam dam,

Dammy wammy wammy
Dammy wammy wammy,
Early morning Swimming Song!

Swimming and Song,
Laughing and paddling
Singing a Swim Song,

Splashing a song,
Swimming and Singing,
Singing Swimming Songs,

Laughing and paddling,
Singing and swimming

Swim swim swimming songs,
Swim singing swim songs,

Swim swim swimming songs,
Swim singing swim songs

Swim swim swimming songs
Swim singing swim songs!

And finally,


“You ask us why,
Why we have furry thighs,
We’re furry day and night,
Our fur’s a delight.
We’re furry high and low,
You want to know, how so,
It’s not because we scorn
Humans who look shorn,

Give me a coat with fur,
Slick beautiful fu-ur,
Shinin’ glistenin ,’ drippy soggy boggy,

Give me a coat that’s waxy.
My beaver is so sexy
Here beaver, there beaver,
Everywhere beaver beaver


Soaking, slipping, oh so damp and dripping My fur!

I want a dam with bristles,
Big thorns and sticky thistles,
That bristle like the mantle of my Fur!
Natural or salon set,
So groovy when it’s all wet,
Here beaver, there beaver,
Everywhere Beaver Beaver

Soaking, slipping oh so damp and dripping My fur!

I want it cloaked, soaked, muddy, fuzzy, Frizzy, grizzly flopping, sopping,
Tangled, bangled, flaxen waxen,
Sodden, drenched, and gently braided,
Fancy and inflated, lubed and irrigated
Brightly, tightly, yes X-rated.
Matted, dampened, moist and saturated!

Oh say can you see
My Beaver, if you can then my fur’s too short,

Down to here, down to there, down to where It grows to myself,

Do do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do do

I want it flowin’ in the breeze,
Way down to my knees,
A home for the fleas and the bees,
Whether stuck in the trees, or iced in a freeze,
It‘s slicked in place when I shiver,
In lodge or stream or pond or river

Soaking, slipping. oh so damp and dripping My fur!

Soaking, slipping. oh so damp and dripping My fur!

Soaking, slipping. oh so damp and dripping My fur!


Print them out at home, or memorize them and save a tree for a beaver. This is your chance to let your Beaver Queen out for the night.



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