Dependable Erection

Friday, June 06, 2008

Beaver Queen Pageant - Meet the contestants

Our next contestant is no stranger to controversy, or to pointy undergarments. Her long career was recently capped with induction to the Beaver Hall of Fame, where Iggy Beaver gave a performance of her hits that could have felled wood. Meet Badonna (Oh, by the way, that's not really her hair color):
Question: Who's beaver lodge roof also doubles as a performance stage?

Here's a few hints:

This beaver's pelt is dyed, she likes beaver boy toys and our ravishing redheaded rodent is passionate about adopting orphaned beaver kits.

The shapely tailed entertainer began her singing career in the home wetlands of Michigan.

Coming to you for the 4th Annual Beaver Pageant from her English lodge, she'll add that extra something to your evening with her throaty vocals and stylish re-inventions.

In customary outrageous attire and outlandish behavior......It's Badonna!



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