emphasis mine
Um, $70K per year for out of date anti-virus software? Hell, i'll provide out-of-date anti-virus software for half that. Where do i put in a bid?
But wait, there's more. An anonymous commenter at the HS asks: "I'm curious: how are the computer networks working at the North Carolina State Lottery offices?"
Top ten, baby!
Durham public school system officials continued to struggle Wednesday with telecommunications problems that have plagued the district for nearly two weeks.
The district's digital phone, voice-mail and e-mail systems have been sporadically knocked out by a Conflickr computer virus. The virus causes havoc in part by compromising and using system administrator passwords.
At least three times since the initial attack, the district's information technology staff has thought the problem to be under control, only to suffer further flare-ups.
. . .
The district is working with a consultant to evaluate the cause of the virus attack -- which Muirhead attributed to antivirus software that was not up to date -- the district's response and future countermeasures that can be taken.
Muirhead praised the district's digital security contractor, Trend Micro, for working diligently to counter the attack. The school system pays Trend $70,000 annually, but Muirhead said it will have to consider a more expansive security contractor.
emphasis mine
Um, $70K per year for out of date anti-virus software? Hell, i'll provide out-of-date anti-virus software for half that. Where do i put in a bid?
But wait, there's more. An anonymous commenter at the HS asks: "I'm curious: how are the computer networks working at the North Carolina State Lottery offices?"
Top ten, baby!
Labels: Durham Public Schools
I have an honest question, and I really hope this doesn't come across as a troll.
You clearly disagree with our "top ten" ranking, given you recent sarcasm about it. So, if you don't think Durham is a good place to live, why do you stay?
a, at 11:48 AM
I wrote this yesterday: But those are minor points. Those of us who love living in Durham all have our own reasons for it, regardless of whether USNWR found them.
there are many great things about Durham. The weather in April and May, and mid-September through mid November included. However, the USNWR list misses or gets wrong almost everything they said was great about Durham. Reread my first post to see some of the more egregious errors they made.
When i first moved here in the early 90s, Raleigh-Durham made a number of top 10 lists, and through the later 90s, Durham by itself started creeping up on people's radar. Some of those lists mentioned the real qualities that make Durham a great place to live (namely, the diversity of the people, the welcoming nature that predominates [although it's not exclusive], the local arts scene, the volunteer spirit) but many of them focus on generic issues like low taxes and affordability.
Durham is clearly in my top ten list, although, all things being equal, there are a number of places i'd move to in a heartbeat if circumstances change. When i moved here, public transportation wasn't a consideration. As i get older, it most definitely is. Walkability was a minor concern for me 16 years ago. It's a much bigger factor now.
One of the things that i really like about Durham, though, is that people like you or me can influence those policies going forward. I think that in 10 years Durham, at least that portion of it between I-85 and NC 147, will be much more walkable. And i think that in some measure that will be because people like me continue to raise the issue, and people in decision making positions will eventually have to respond.
People talk about the shiny new DPAC as being great for Durham. Maybe it is. I haven't been yet, so i can't say. But i'll point out that without the active involvement of a number of Durhamites who, sadly, have moved away, the DPAC we have is significantly better than the DPAC we almost had. Not that it's perfect.
I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing out that, the way it's structured, with an attached parking deck, that people from out of town who come to a show can pull into the deck from the freeway, enter the theater, leave the theater and get back into their cars, without ever setting foot on the streets of Durham. Which, as far as i can tell, most of them do. Which explains why the promised restaurant over at the Venable building has never materialized. And the new parking deck planned for the Justice Center is not really going to affect that, either.
I love the fact that ECWA has managed to acquire the land behind the Compare Foods to preserve the Beaver Pond. I'm disappointed that neither the City nor County saw any need to help out in that process.
In short, Durham is not flawless. But for me, how we treat our flaws is one of the things that keeps me here. My concern is that rankings like this will encourage us to start thinking that we've already solved our problems, when clearly we haven't.
A world class school system simply would not have an issue like the one that Matt Miliken wrote about. And a top ten city really should have a world class public school system, don'tcha think?
Barry, at 12:20 PM
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