Barry, come now... you can't really expect the Herald-Sun's Paducah-based reporters, editors and copy-writers to find the time actually report on every little thing that goes on in our tiny little burg, do ya?
Paxton's explained time and again, to places like La Porte, Indiana, that, if news is really important, it's worth waiting two or three days for.
Besides, the lone staffer, whose responsible for the website, can only update it between 2-3 am and that's only if he's done hand-printing the front page, begging advertisers to come back, dusting all the empty desks, delivering the paper to all three subscribers and cleaning out the french fry oil and, it assumes that he doesn't mind not having the chance to sleep.
Since 1949, Durhamites have slept soundly, secure in the knowledge that, in our town, erection can be depended upon. Now, thanks to the power of the internets, we can spread that security all over the world.
Section C, front page, right hand column above the fold.
Seems pretty prominent in the print edition of the H*S. Not sure what the criteria is for their web site?
I bet folks are pretty upset in Rawley. Ha ha ha.
1. Albuquerque, New Mexico
2. Auburn, Alabama
3. Austin, Texas
4. Boise, Idaho
5. DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA * * * * * * ** * ! ! !
6. La Crosse, Wisconsin
7. Loveland, Colorado
8. San Luis Obispo, California
9. St. Augustine, Florida
10. Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania
Tony, at 11:51 AM
If you find it on the website, let me know.
btw - the list is alphabetical. We could be anywhere from 1-10.
Barry, at 11:59 AM
Barry, come now... you can't really expect the Herald-Sun's Paducah-based reporters, editors and copy-writers to find the time actually report on every little thing that goes on in our tiny little burg, do ya?
Paxton's explained time and again, to places like La Porte, Indiana, that, if news is really important, it's worth waiting two or three days for.
Besides, the lone staffer, whose responsible for the website, can only update it between 2-3 am and that's only if he's done hand-printing the front page, begging advertisers to come back, dusting all the empty desks, delivering the paper to all three subscribers and cleaning out the french fry oil and, it assumes that he doesn't mind not having the chance to sleep.
Dan S., at 12:51 PM
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