Dependable Erection

Monday, May 18, 2009

Good news for pedestrians

From the City:
The long-awaited demolition and replacement of the pedestrian bridge at Alston Avenue will begin later this month and motorists are asked to take note of planned overnight traffic detours on NC 147.

Beginning May 26 and lasting approximately two weeks, the City’s contractor, S.T. Wooten Corporation, will begin their first road closure of NC 147. Traffic will be rerouted using Briggs and Alston Avenues as detours from 11 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. as crews complete the demolition of the old pedestrian bridge structure.

After demolition is complete and the new bridge span arrives, crews will again close NC 147 during these same hours and using these same detour routes for the duration of setting the new bridge span into place. An announcement regarding the second closure will be provided to the public once this date is set.

I think i blogged about this when the design was first unveiled around 3 years ago, but i'm too lazy to check. Here's a picture.

For an interesting read, click here, and check out the section called "Background."

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  • Perhaps a naive question--but if visibility is the reason the old bridge was shut down, couldn't they just improve upon the existing structure (like by adding lights?) And then use the tear-down/rebuild funds to...I don't know...create new pedestrian thoroughfares?

    By Blogger Brian, at 12:11 PM  

  • I'm pretty sure that by visibility, they mean that once you were inside the bridge, you were invisible to the rest of the world.

    By Blogger Barry, at 12:27 PM  

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