Nope, as is photo lifted from the HS site. I didn't notice it reading the online version this morning, but when i was walking through town and saw it in one of the vending machines, i went, oh, my, that's awful, isn't it?
I guess with less than 30,000 subscribers left, they figured no one would actually notice the mistakes in the banner headlines, especially given that only 13 percent of us can read.
In all fairness to the H-S, since Paxton bought it and laid off so much of the staff, it doesn't surprise me if whoever is left behind is over-worked.
But still, a front page hed should get a couple of read-throughs, don't ya think?
Less than 30,000 subs? I know I cancelled my sub a few times when the Rollins family owned it and kept putting in pro-Bush, pro-war nonsense in there.
Running a newspaper IS running a business. Can you imagine if the H-S had any imagination and catered to the progressive nature of most Durhamites, wouldn't it be in a different place today? Maybe. Maybe not. Perfectly good papers like the Detroit Free Press are struggling, so who's to say?
So tell me, how is a "free" weekly like The Independent going to provide coverage nearly as complete and competent as the H-S? Because for every headline the H-S screws up, they still have a staff devoted to local coverage that a "free" weekly can only fantasize about.
What will really piss me off is missing my morning funnies if the H-S goes under in the next 18 months, which looks likely.
Criticism of the Rollins family's running of the paper is fair game (I'm a Rollins myself), but I don't understand Tony's comment about the H-S finding success by catering to the progressive nature of most Durhamites. Lord knows they tried that with their deplorable behaviour during the Duke Lacrosse hoax, and have suffered accordingly.
There's a reason Duke students now get the N&O instead of the H-S.
Since 1949, Durhamites have slept soundly, secure in the knowledge that, in our town, erection can be depended upon. Now, thanks to the power of the internets, we can spread that security all over the world.
Please, tell me that's 'shopped. If not, it's downright pathetic, even for a small paper like the H-S.
Did they somehow accidentally lay off *all* of their copy editors?
JeremyT, at 3:16 PM
Nope, as is photo lifted from the HS site. I didn't notice it reading the online version this morning, but when i was walking through town and saw it in one of the vending machines, i went, oh, my, that's awful, isn't it?
Barry, at 3:28 PM
Interestingly enough, it seems Paxton has pulled The Herald-Sun from the Newseum's list of U.S. front pages.
I guess with less than 30,000 subscribers left, they figured no one would actually notice the mistakes in the banner headlines, especially given that only 13 percent of us can read.
Dan S., at 3:41 PM
Maybe their basing their figures on the people who comment on their articles online. Then the 13% literacy figure actually makes sense.
Anonymous, at 6:07 PM
Well, it is fair to say that since Paxton Media bought it the literacy rate of the Herald-Sun has been about 13%
Anonymous, at 7:38 PM
In all fairness to the H-S, since Paxton bought it and laid off so much of the staff, it doesn't surprise me if whoever is left behind is over-worked.
But still, a front page hed should get a couple of read-throughs, don't ya think?
Less than 30,000 subs? I know I cancelled my sub a few times when the Rollins family owned it and kept putting in pro-Bush, pro-war nonsense in there.
Running a newspaper IS running a business. Can you imagine if the H-S had any imagination and catered to the progressive nature of most Durhamites, wouldn't it be in a different place today? Maybe. Maybe not. Perfectly good papers like the Detroit Free Press are struggling, so who's to say?
So tell me, how is a "free" weekly like The Independent going to provide coverage nearly as complete and competent as the H-S? Because for every headline the H-S screws up, they still have a staff devoted to local coverage that a "free" weekly can only fantasize about.
What will really piss me off is missing my morning funnies if the H-S goes under in the next 18 months, which looks likely.
Tony, at 8:59 PM
Criticism of the Rollins family's running of the paper is fair game (I'm a Rollins myself), but I don't understand Tony's comment about the H-S finding success by catering to the progressive nature of most Durhamites. Lord knows they tried that with their deplorable behaviour during the Duke Lacrosse hoax, and have suffered accordingly.
There's a reason Duke students now get the N&O instead of the H-S.
KeepDurhamDifferent!, at 6:05 PM
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