Who I'm voting for
I didn't take advantage of early voting this year, in part because there's something old school about going to the poll on election day and my neighbors participating in the ongoing democratic experiment that is the US. But also because, for many of the down-ballot races, i still hadn't figured out who i'm voting for. I think i've reached my decisions. One thing i'll say, though, is that virtually without exception, even if the candidates i'm supporting tomorrow lose, i can get behind the winner in the November election, especially in the statewide races. I think Democrats have a really strong slate in North Carolina this year, and i'm proud to be a member of the party.
If anyone cares, i'll discuss my reasoning in the comments.
President - Barack Obama
Governor - Richard Moore
Lt. Governor - Dan Besse
Senator - Jim Neal
Council of State: (Not every race listed)
Auditor - Beth Wood
Public Instruction - Eddie Davis
Treasurer - Janet Cowell
District Attorney - Mitchell Garrell
County Commissioners:
Brenda Howerton
Don Moffitt
Michael Page
Josh Parker
Ellen Reckhow
School Board At-Large - Leigh Bordley
Who did you vote for?
UPDATE: Michael's got his list posted at BiF, along with his reasoning behind his choices. We're thinking alike on the Durham DA race.
UPDATE 2: Carl Kenney's thoughts on the Barack Obama/Jeremiah Wright issue.
If anyone cares, i'll discuss my reasoning in the comments.
President - Barack Obama
Governor - Richard Moore
Lt. Governor - Dan Besse
Senator - Jim Neal
Council of State: (Not every race listed)
Auditor - Beth Wood
Public Instruction - Eddie Davis
Treasurer - Janet Cowell
District Attorney - Mitchell Garrell
County Commissioners:
Brenda Howerton
Don Moffitt
Michael Page
Josh Parker
Ellen Reckhow
School Board At-Large - Leigh Bordley
Who did you vote for?
UPDATE: Michael's got his list posted at BiF, along with his reasoning behind his choices. We're thinking alike on the Durham DA race.
UPDATE 2: Carl Kenney's thoughts on the Barack Obama/Jeremiah Wright issue.
Labels: 2008 elections
I voted for Neal and am bummed that he's down by 30 points in the latest poll. Based on signs in Durham, Neal has Hagan beat about 100 to 1. Then again, I think Ron Paul signs probably outnumber McCain signs by an infinite ratio (haven't seen a McCain sign).
I suppose, on the bright side, the DNC looks like it's going to try really hard to pick up this seat in November.
Locally, why Parker/Howerton over Heron? To bring new blood to the board or something more specific?
toastie, at 9:49 PM
The current BoCC has done some things that i wasn't happy with. First, the panhandling "ban." Which doesn't really ban panhandling. In fact, it doesn't do anything except send a symbolic message which i thought was rather stupid. I was very tempted to leave Ellen off y list. I still might tomorrow when i vote, but i'm pretty sure that this is my final answer.
Second, yeah, my mother-in-law is Becky's age. I wish she had decided to retire after this term, to be completely frank.
I could live with Hagan. But she's going to have to listen to the grassroots a bit between now and November if she wants to be an ActBlue hero.
Barry, at 10:01 PM
I'm voting Bev Perdue because she has stated she supports a moratorium on the death penalty.
Moore opposes the moratorium.
That was enough to tip it to Perdue for me.
Durham Bull Pen, at 10:26 PM
Speaking of being completely frank about who should retire, 84-year-old New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg (D) has a primary challenge on June 3. He might actually go down, which is an extreme rarity in U.S. politics (a sitting senator losing a primary).
toastie, at 10:28 PM
i'm (we're) voting Clinton + Neal
Marriage equality and reproductive rights are important to us.
Natalie, at 10:29 PM
(Oh, yeah, McCain's bud Joe Lieberman, just two years ago, lost...maybe not so rare)
toastie, at 10:31 PM
I just did a similar post.
Similar to yours, except Perdue instead of Moore, and Heron instead of Parker. I try to explain in that post.
Unknown, at 12:09 AM
I do question Moore's view on mental health care. He's stated that we spend too much money on it. I wonder if he means building facilities or mental health care in general?
I've always thought there should be and adequate amount of money in the mental health care system.
Anonymous, at 7:31 AM
Obama and Neal, Garrell for DA, Moffitt and Parker for the CC. Couldn't muster a preference for Gov/LT Gov, didn't feel I had enough info for the rest, and I generally don't vote for incumbents without a damn good reason.
My votes in the general (all races) are absolutely up for grabs at this point.
Brian, at 8:36 AM
Both the links to my post and Carl's go to my place. Not that I mind the extra traffic, but it's probably not what folks are expecting.
Unknown, at 1:08 PM
Fixed. Thanks for the catch.
Barry, at 1:18 PM
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