DC Madam commits suicide; Vitter's still a Senator
Go figure.
A woman police believe to be convicted Washington escort service operator Deborah Jeane Palfrey committed suicide, officials said Thursday.
. . .
Palfrey was convicted April 15 by a federal jury of running a prostitution service that catered to members of Washington's political elite, including Sen. David Vitter, a Louisiana Republican.
She had denied her escort service engaged in prostitution, saying that if any of the women engaged in sex acts for money, they did so without her knowledge.
She was convicted of money laundering, using the mail for illegal purposes and racketeering. Palfrey faced a maximum of 55 years in prison and was free pending her sentencing July 24.
Prosecutors said Palfrey operated the prostitution service for 13 years.
Her trial concluded without revealing many new details about the service or its clients. Vitter was among possible witnesses, but did not take the stand.
Vitter, a first-term senator who is married and has four children, has acknowledged being involved with Palfrey's escort service and has apologized for what he called a "very serious sin." But he avoided commenting further.
Labels: David Vitter, Republicans
Did she shoot herself in the head two or three times?
MK, at 3:11 PM
Nah, that was Vince Foster.
In other news, 18 years later, Barney Frank (D-Mass) is still in Congress despite having a prostitution ring run from his apartment. Without his knowledge, or so he says. Old business before new.
Locomotive Breath, at 3:51 PM
LB, perhaps you should learn to read sources other than Conservapedia.
Frank reported the issue to the Ethics committee, himself, which investigated his former roomate's alleged male escort ring (and his roomate's later assertions that Frank was aware of the operation) and found, not only was there little evidence of the ring, but that credible 3rd parties and the roomate's own evidence supported Frank's assertions that he was unaware of any illegal activities. Much like the Vince Foster bullshit, the Republicans ran it into the ground and still found nothing.
What next, are you going to go accuse Bill Clinton of rape and homicide?
Back to the topic at hand, Barry's inference is that IOKIYAR -- Spitzer buys sex and gets run out of town on a rail; Vitter buys sex and says 'my wife has discussed it with me' and it's okay.
Senator A embraces a pastor who says hateful, shameful things and the media says nothing; Senator B distances himself from a pastor who says hateful shameful things and the media can't stop talking about his "secret ideology". Guess which one is the Republican who hosted a cookout for the major news organizations...?
Dan S., at 5:30 PM
What next, are you going to go accuse Bill Clinton of rape...
Nah, it's been done by Juanita Broaddrick and she was ignored. Or had you forgotten?
Poor Barney he's the victim. Excuses, excuses, excuses. "I didn't know" he whines. Well then why the hell not? The "Ethics" committee was run by his Dem buddies. This would be the same Barney Frank who has blackmailed secretly gay legislators with an "outing" if they do anything he perceives as anti-gay. Give a whole new meaning to "congressional franking privileges".
The remark about Foster was simply to presage the frenzy in the moonbatosphere that her death wasn't an accident.
I'm well aware of Barry's inference. We've had this exchange before. Spitzer is in trouble for transferring massive amounts of money to a call girl operation and then trying to cover it up. After making his career as the "Cop of Wall Street". Or had you forgotten that?
BO has been in JW's church for twenty something years. He's only distanced himself because it's become politically inconvenient. He's got the same old whine "I didn't know". Horsepuckey.
Locomotive Breath, at 7:04 PM
I heard Dick Cheney was target shooting next door at the time.
Parsnips, at 8:16 PM
Let's see how did that old refrain go? "Hitlery" had Vince Foster killed because he was her cocaine connection in the drug ring she was running from the White House? And also she was sleeping with him even though she is a lesbian.
Or something like that.
Durham Bull Pen, at 10:41 PM
All i can say is thank God we have a liberal media that has Obama and Clinton's backs, and is holding John McCain accountable for seeking out Pastor Hagee's endorsement and saying we're going to be in Iraq for a hundred years.
Without that, we'd be toast.
Barry, at 11:20 PM
Yep, here we go. Right on schedule...
Death of 'D.C. Madam' Becomes Rich Ground for Conspiracy Theory
Hustler magazine publisher and free-speech advocate Larry Flynt -- one of Palfrey's staunchest advocates -- was the strongest voice forwarding the notion that Palfrey's death was not by her own hands.
Flynt was an integral part in keeping Palfrey's story public and worked with her and investigative reporter Dan Moldea to break the story that the phone number of Sen. David Vitter, R-La., was among those numbers in Palfrey's client list. Flynt targeted Vitter because he had campaigned for office on a family-values platform.
But Flynt hinted at much juicier material to be unearthed.
"Let me put it this way, there were more Democrats on it than Republicans," he said, supporting his theory that the only reason this case was of interest was because of the number of Democrats who could be targeted by the Bush administration.
So despite the large numbers of Dems on the list Flynt found the one Rep he could embarrass and released that name only. Tells us a lot about Ragin that he's an echo chamber for a piece of trash like Flynt. I'll remind you of this next time you complain about someone disrespecting women.
Sounds just like Barney Frank outing gay people he opposes.
(But it's Foxnews, I hear you whine. When Flynt complains that he's misquoted you can publish the link.)
Locomotive Breath, at 3:30 PM
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