Shorter Rick Martinez
I may be a fucking idiot, but at least i'm not a dirty fucking hippie.
I'm still traveling, but I'll bet when i get back into town on Monday, assuming that Martinez' shit from 2002 and 2003 is still online, it take me less than ten minutes to find examples of him telling people who predicted precisely what was going to happen in Iraq that they were morons.
I wasn't dismayed when no active weapons of mass destruction programs were discovered after Saddam's fall. I was relieved. And the invasion did crush the most effective WMD Iraq had in its possession -- Saddam himself. He was responsible for killing at least 800,000 of his own people and more than double that number when you include the ill-fated wars he launched against Iran and later Kuwait.
Getting rid of Saddam was the best thing Bush ever did. However, regime change was not the finish line. Transforming Iraq into a strong, independent Muslim democracy was and, unfortunately, that finish line is nowhere in sight. Had Bush learned lessons from his predecessors, particularly Harry Truman, the world would be celebrating a free Iraq instead of lamenting one more troubled hot spot.
Bush's biggest mistake -- the one that will keep his presidency from greatness -- was appointing and eventually placing his trust in former Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld. The former Navy pilot believed that wars of the 21st century could be won on the cheap, with more reliance on technology and less on good old-fashioned quantities of soldiers, sailors and Marines. The fallacy of that thinking was exposed when, shortly after being liberated, Iraqis looted with impunity as American soldiers looked on. Rumsfeld's said looting was an expression of newfound freedom.
I'm still traveling, but I'll bet when i get back into town on Monday, assuming that Martinez' shit from 2002 and 2003 is still online, it take me less than ten minutes to find examples of him telling people who predicted precisely what was going to happen in Iraq that they were morons.
Little Rickie has never heard of Google.
MK, at 6:12 PM
I know he's a moron, but don't they have copyeditors at the N&O? "When Bush launched the Iraq War in 2003, in no way did I think it would still be a major national concern for his predecessor." Huh?
I mean, I suppose it is a major national concern for Bill Clinton, but is that what he meant to say?
Of course, the copyeditors probably dislike him as much as the rest of us do.
Ross Grady, at 7:22 PM
The ONLY thing that will keep Bush from greatness?
Not 9/11?
Not failing to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden?
Not failing to finish the job in Afghanistan?
Not screwing the pooch in Iraq?
Not the federal response to Hurrican Katrina?
Not "legalized" torture?
Not the sub prime lending fiasco?
Not $5 a gallon gas?
Whatever this Martinez guy is smoking, can I have some? Because it clearly takes you out of reality and puts you in la-la land.
Tony, at 10:57 PM
Ross - good catch. Moronity on so many levels.
Tony - i think the one that we tend to forget the most is turning a balanced budget into a $300 billion/year deficit, which doesn't even include $150 billion+/year off budget expenses for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
MK - if you've got more time than me for the next couple of days, google away. I only expect to be at the computer for less than an hour between now and Monday morning.
Barry, at 7:40 AM
I knew I was forgetting something.
Most of that money went to places like Halliburton and Black Water, didn't it?
Tony, at 9:02 AM
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