An email i sent to local bloggers last night:
Final results 99% reporting:
Two weeks ago i was privately predicting Obama by 60-40, possibly even 62-38.
i'm hedging a little now, but i don't think it will be closer than 55-45, and maybe a bigger margin than that.
Final results 99% reporting:
Obama 877,465 56%
Clinton 651,125 42%
Good call. Did you see just for Durham, Obama received 75% of the vote?!
Valerie at We Love Durham, at 9:26 AM
i'll bet in some precincts in Durham, Obama picked up 90 - 95% of the vote. He also did surprisingly (to me, anyway) well in many Down East counties, holding Clinton to low single digit pluralities in Bladen and Hyde Counties, for instance, and winning Scotland & Hoke Counties by greater than his statewide margins.
Interesting note if you scroll through the CNN exit polls, which i'll probably put on the front page sometime this morning. 20% of NC voters say their income is above $100k, and 52% say it's above $50k. Doesn't say if that's household or personal (gotta be household,no?) but still, those are pretty high numbers statewide.
Barry, at 9:41 AM
I forget what the difference is between household income and family income, but if it's household, then that's a little surprising, considering NC's median household income in 2006 was $42k. There's no way we jumped $8k in two years during an economic downturn. Medium family income, which I believe excludes single person households, but I'm not sure, was $52k.
I guess there's a chance that a difference between the voting population and the general population, generally skewing away from 20-somethings and perhaps also away from the poor and lower middle class, could skew that enough. But it's still somewhat surprising.
Unknown, at 2:34 PM
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