Alston Ave. widening update
A message from Uplift East Durham activist and fellow blogger Aidil:
If you are receiving this message, it is because I KNOW you care about supporting community friendly roads located in neighborhoods with high biking and walking traffic. Unfortunately, the NC DOT has planned a mini version of the freeway through our neighborhood.
This particular design to widen Alston Avenue is hostile to the community. Various neighborhood groups have met to agree on a slate of changes to the design in order to minimize the negative impacts of the NC DOT's plans. They are as follows:
-Removal of dedicated turning lanes
**Leaving these would be detrimental to bikers and walkers.
-Striping all bike lanes within the project
**This improves level of service and safety for bikers.
-Commitment to relocate a grocery store in the neighborhood
**Such a crucial asset in a community needs to be replaced since
the existing store will be demolished by the widening.
On Thursday, May 22 at 4pm during the City Council Work Session (2nd floor Committee Rm.), these requests for changes to the NC DOT plan for Alston Ave. will be presented. PLEASE attend to stand in support during this presentation. City Council will do little to negotiate these changes with NC DOT until they know the community is serious. With a little over 70 seats in the committee room, I would like to see
it filled with supporters for a more responsible road design for Alston Ave.
So come next week on Thursday at 4pm. The meeting is no longer than an hour. You will not have to speak, but your STANDING IN SUPPORT of these requests for design changes will speak volumes.
Labels: Alston Ave., Traffic calming, transportation issues
I am the manager of Los Primos supermarket,,,, we are now offering a petition to stop or relocate the supermarket,, in the neighboorhood,,, we feed this whole neighboorhood,,,
with such a high rate of pedestrian traffic, this highway right through our neighboorhood,,,, would cause the neighboorhood ,,, to have to go to other supermarkets,, miles away
and with six years of success,,leaving this neighboorhood that we know so well.. will be a definite blow to old north durham's economy, we know the local customers,,,,, and the customers know us,,,,,,,please come by and sign the petition!!!!!!!!!
Manager- Michael Collado
1109 E Main st
Durham, NC 27701
Anonymous, at 8:57 PM
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