Welcome LieStoppers readers!
Feel free to justify the practice of leaving anonymous, racially harassing phone calls to people you don't like here.
Oh, and don't forget, Floyd Lee Brown still needs your help.
Oh, and don't forget, Floyd Lee Brown still needs your help.
Thanks to the wonderful efforts of DA Parker, Floyd had a rough start when he was released. He basically left Dix with nothing. If any of your readers would like to help him, one of my coworker's and her family adopted him for Christmas this year. You can contact Beverly McJunkin at the Office of Indigent Defense Services to find out what he still needs.
Labels: metablogging
You are pathetic.
Anonymous, at 2:58 PM
Shirley you can do better than that.
Loco-motive Breath and Trinity Rez have set a pretty high bar for morons, and you're not even registering.
Barry, at 4:21 PM
Here's the deal, bud.
You don't call out other folks by name on this blog.
I choose not to be anonymous, and lots of people know who i am, so i'm fair game.
Third parties are not.
Especially when it's done by third parties who hide behind screen names.
I'm deleting your previous comment. If you want to repost it without identifying any third parties by name, feel free.
By the way, i was not part of the pot banging group either. It doesn't earn me any more points than it does you.
Barry, at 4:25 PM
So I guess Jon cam be mentioned.
Glad to see you sleep in that Sunday morning.
Why all the stretching and excuse making for something that any fair minded person would admit was only done because of the race and sex of the accused?
America has a judicial system in place and no need for lynch mobs.
You know no one would have dared do the "tolerant" pots and pans dance if the race rolls were reversed.
Anonymous, at 5:08 PM
Jon blogs under his own name, as do i. He's free to call me any fucking thing he likes on his blog. Or on the TP list, if he feels like.
When he writes stupid fucking shit under his own name, i don't have a problem calling him on it.
And keep using the term lynch mob. You paint yourself more and more as a whiny ass titty baby who thinks that your buds got the worst shit ever thrown at them. Alas, this is only a fourth rate blog with only a handful of readers. Maybe in another life you can parade your victimaization to a larger audience.
White conservatives: Historically oppressed since 2006.
Barry, at 5:29 PM
No whinnying on my part. I just find it funny that you condone lynch mob type justice if it a class of people you hate/jealous/envy.
Would you be so forgiving if the race or class was reversed? I do not think so.
You see that is the difference in left wing nuts and the rest of the world. We do not apply different rules for different people. Also, we are definitely more in touch with reality. I knew from day one that these young men did not rape that low life drugged up drunk prostitute.
Call it reality based assumptions. Duke students do not make it a habit of destroying their futures for a romp with a low life. Also, statistically near 0 for white on black rape.
As much as you want the world to be a particular way it will never be such.
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM
i'm assuming you're a newbie. Lefties are "moonbats." Righties are "wingnuts." Try to keep that straight, OK? You'll confuse Locomotive Breath and some of the other anonymous morons.
i don't condone "lynch-mob type justice."
What happened outside of 610 N. Buchanan, however, can only be compared to a lynch mob in the fevered imaginations of right wing blowhards who are both committed to perpetuating their own culture of victimization and completely ignorant of what the term "lynch mob" actually means.
The proper term for folks like that is whiny ass titty baby.
We do not apply different rules to different people.
Um, yeah. right. Actually, y'all do nothing but.
As much as you want the world to be a particular way it will never be such.
Now that you mention it . . .
Barry, at 8:35 PM
Jealousy and envy are not very becoming Barry.
I am assuming you think I am a right wing republican. Registered dem if you need to know. However, that will probably change very soon considering how so out of touch with reality and the amount of hate and envy I saw first hand from the so called "tolerant" lynch mob.
Libertarian would best sum up my political mindset. Tired of baby setting no good protected classes that do not seem to want to pull their own weight and I am no big fan of the racist blacks and hate filled left wing nuts that make up Durham politics. I just do not care to associate with hypocrites, class haters and sexist individuals that showed their true colors for the world to see March 2006.
Keep trying as you may to justify the foolish looking misfits that participated in the "tolerant" lynch mob. Funny how in the end the only ones to be proven to be telling the truth were the supposedly rapist in this complete and utter miscarriage of justice.
Rich white males tend to win in the end don't they Barry? Life is so unfair.
Anonymous, at 9:36 AM
i don't assume anything about you. i draw conclusions from what you post.
for example, by continuing to use the phrase "lynch mob" you reveal that you crave victim status. by saying you're a "libertarian" dem you reveal yourself to be a "concern troll." by saying that you are inspired to eat more steaks by someone posting on your listserv that there's a connection between water usage and cattle farming you reveal yourself to be easily manipulated.
by claiming that you don't want to associate with "hypocrites, class haters and sexist individuals" while doing preciesly that you reveal that not only do you not understand the English language, but that you are willing to allow yourself to be used by your intellectual superiors.
By claiming that i am trying to justify "foolish looking misfits" you reveal that not only do you have no reading comprehension skills, but that you're incapable of following and participating in a discussion without bringing your prejudices up every time you sit down at the keyboard.
i'm actually too busy at work today to keep up with your nonsense. if you'd like to fling more feces at the cage, go right ahead.
Barry, at 10:18 AM
Thanks Barry.
Now did you ever answer my question?
Do you think the "tolerant" delusional cooking utensil misfits would have conducted themselves in such manner if the race roles were reversed? And would you condone such behavior if the suspected perps were one of you protected classes?
If not that should show you their "real" concern with true justice.
Now answer honestly.
Still trying to push that illogical agenda that a steak raised in an area with plenty of water is some how going to harm the water supply in Durham. Logic my friend. Use it.
And for the record I do think we have a water crisis on our hands and I am doing well more than enough to help. Just ask anyone that comes in close proximity to me. Skipping baths and smelly toilets are all the rave around my household. Meat is whats for dinner though.
Anonymous, at 11:00 AM
Trinity Park = a nut for every tree
Anonymous, at 1:51 PM
Please tell me this blog is a joke. I would so love to believe that.
Socialists=the biggest "titty babies" who ever lived.
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM
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