I've been saying in private conversation for a couple of weeks that i fully expect Bloomberg will throw his hat in the presidential ring, especially if it looks like anyone other than McCain is going to get the Republican nomination.
The only remaining question i have is whether he'll have the balls to recruit Joe Lieberman as his running mate, and go for the "Two-Jew Ticket" or not.
The only remaining question i have is whether he'll have the balls to recruit Joe Lieberman as his running mate, and go for the "Two-Jew Ticket" or not.
Labels: 2008 elections
Lieberman is engaged to McCain.
MK, at 1:06 PM
I've heard that a Bloomberg entry hurts Dems more than Reps because Bloomberg is philosophically much more aligned with Dems. I think this is true. But my thought is that Dems would stick with the Dem nominee, whoever it is, while some Reps will hate their nominee, whoever it is (particularly Romney or Huckabee, for different reasons) and bolt to Bloomberg. So Bloomberg would get some independents and some Republicans, but few Democrats. (Although I suppose there are good argument for Bloomberg taking votes from Obama or Clinton).
If Bloomberg were successful enough to wreak electoral havoc in any way (by just winning maybe NY, California, and Florida), it might well be he'd prevent anyone from getting 270 electoral votes. And then the Democratically-controlled House of Representatives would elect the President. (However, they do that vote on state-by-state basis, so I don't know how that looks right now or potentially). But would the House abide by the electoral vote, the popular vote, or their own party affiliations?
toastie, at 4:06 PM
The general sense i get from Democrats is that even if "my" candidate doesn't get the nomination, i'll be OK with whoever does.
Yeah, there's a few people who hate on Hilary, but i don't think there are that money who would vote for Bloomberg over her.
Plus the fact that Bloomberg abandoned the Dems to run for mayor isn't going to help him. The idea that the party is more important than the individual is beginning to be understood by many of the rank and file democrats that i know. It's not universal, by any means, but it's out there. And internalizing that is the key to getting rid of the Republicans.
Barry, at 4:26 PM
I think Bloomberg will run if Clinton wins, but not if Obama does. He's all about this unity crap, as is Obama, whereas Clinton doesn't really pander to that crowd.
DurhamFood, at 7:59 PM
Obama wants to bring everyone together and have a big group hug.
Bloomberg wants to bring everyone together, lock them in a room, deprive them of food, water, and toilets, and get things done.
I think their notions of unity are different enough to compete. And it's not like the Republican is going to say he's not for uniting Americans.
(And my preferred candidate John Edwards wants to bring the opposition together in a room, lock them up, and govern without them).
(And Hillary will bring everyone together in a room to auction off whatever parts of her soul remain).
toastie, at 8:23 PM
As someone who considers himself well to the left of Democrats on social issues and well to the right of Republicans on economic issues (and a peacenik, to boot), I think that averaging the two into some sort of squishy mess is the most efficient way to ensure the worst possible outcome. Regardless of who the candidate is.
But man, I've just got a special sort of dislike for Bloomberg.
Brian, at 12:12 AM
Bloomberg seems to be ok, but Lieberman? As they used to say about Katherine Hepburn, Lieberman is box office poison.
A far more enticing Two-Jew ticket would be Bloomberg and Russell Feingold. That would be a powerful center-left candidacy.
david from nancy st
Anonymous, at 7:49 AM
except that there's no need for Feingold to abandon the Democratic party. Lieberman already has.
i simply don't see any of the pressure for the "bipartisan" position that Bloomberg supposedly represents coming from Democrats. It's only now, after 28 years of screaming Republicanism is about to lead to the whole house of cards collapsing, that Republicans are leading the charge for "bipartisanship."
oh, btw, that word "money" in my comment #3 should be "many."
Barry, at 9:21 AM
I don't think Bloomberg has much appeal for the national Republican base. He's a liberal who only deserted the Democratic party as a way of circumventing the NYC party apparatus.
I'm hoping for Obama or Edwards (or what's left of his chances). I don't have a huge beef with Hillary other than her essential conservatism, but I'm among the many who dread the continued idiotic political polarization that her Presidency would entail. If she takes command over the next few weeks, I may join those hoping for a Bloomberg entry.
Anonymous, at 9:39 AM
I have many beefs with Hillary, most importantly the way the mainstream media, guided by GOP hacks like Karl Rove, will essentially undermine any attempts she makes at governing. Imagine four years of 24 hours-a-day on all the cable networks --touting some made-up "drama" in the White House, probably with Bill as part of the mess.
The lady has baggage, to say the least.
People say Obama has little experience and I say what has "experience" gotten us? On paper, the Bush White House in 2001 was one of the most experienced ever seen. Come on--Colin Powell? Cheney? Rumsy? They put their "experience" to ill use.
I'm still kind of peeved at Edwards for giving North Carolina Liddy Dole as Senator when he easily could have held onto that seat---helping create a stronger Dem majority in the Senate at the same time.
Steam comes out of my ears whenever I see Hillary, let alone when I hear about her using "the crying card" whenever she feels like it. So Bloomberg not looking so bad. But with Joltin' Joe? No way.
Has anyone looked into how Bush might steal the '08 election too?
Tony, at 4:56 PM
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