The unasked question
The unasked question at the drought forum last night was, given that Duke University is not a Stage IV exemption holder, will there be any watering of artificial surface athletic fields come the spring season?
The other unasked question, i guess, is why is Duke not a Stage IV exemption holder? Did they not apply? Did they not meet the 50% reduction required in order to receive an exemption? Months of requests to the city of Durham water folks never resulted in an answer about how much reduction was seen from the Stage III exemption holders.
Meantime, any outdoor watering by anyone who is not on that list of 27 businesses is illegal. You can report violations here, or by calling Durham One-Call at 560-1200
The other unasked question, i guess, is why is Duke not a Stage IV exemption holder? Did they not apply? Did they not meet the 50% reduction required in order to receive an exemption? Months of requests to the city of Durham water folks never resulted in an answer about how much reduction was seen from the Stage III exemption holders.
Meantime, any outdoor watering by anyone who is not on that list of 27 businesses is illegal. You can report violations here, or by calling Durham One-Call at 560-1200
Reporter Anne Blythe's story, Fake turf watered as supplies dry up (10/9/07), was the most popular N&O article for all of 2007.
Another question to ask Duke is why did Durham's biggest water user seek an exemption from the City to avoid the water restrictions the rest of us had to follow -- and then not get an exemption from the field hockey association to water its plastic grass?
Seems like Duke had it backwards.
Anonymous, at 4:14 PM
John, John, John! So quick to criticize!
We should give Duke the benefit of the doubt: Perhaps they are using fake water to irrigate their fake grass.
Anonymous, at 5:49 PM
There's a lengthy commentary about the meeting at
Anonymous, at 6:55 AM
One thing that I have noticed at Duke that I don't recall seeing before is that the grass in front of the chapel is completely dead and beige. They haven't even painted it this year.
Lenore, at 9:24 PM
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