Roccoco, you sleazy weasel
News & Observer:
As a Firehead from way back (founder of the Dog Star Esquadrille - Another Cocoon for Papoon - "We're Sirius About Papoon") it sounds like the ex-governor has been caught with his red hand in Barbara Bobo's gym shorts.
All i can say to Easley is "Eat it. Eat it raw!"
Former Gov. Mike Easley used a private, secret e-mail account to conduct state business, his former communications directors said in depositions. The e-mail address: "NickDanger" spelled backward.
Nick Danger is a fictional private eye character featured in radio performances by The Firesign Theatre, a troupe whose 1960s Los Angeles-based act was heavily influenced by The Goon Show, a British troupe that included Peter Sellers and was also a major influence on Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Easley's spelling "Nick Danger" backward could come from a joke on the show in which Danger, sitting in his office, read his name on his glass office door: "Regnad Kcin."
Sherri Johnson, Easley's communications director, said she believed the backward spelling was Easley's own.
"The governor wrote backwards. I mean, when he wrote, he wrote backwards," she said. Which is it? Sounds like a case for Nick Danger.
As a Firehead from way back (founder of the Dog Star Esquadrille - Another Cocoon for Papoon - "We're Sirius About Papoon") it sounds like the ex-governor has been caught with his red hand in Barbara Bobo's gym shorts.
All i can say to Easley is "Eat it. Eat it raw!"
Labels: Democrats, Firesign Theatre, pop culture
"Anchovies? You've got the wrong man. I spell my name… regnaD.
Unknown, at 11:49 PM
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