Speaking of backwards looking transportation solutions
Aidil Collins, of Uplift East Durham, has sent out an email to community activists asking for continued support in their efforts to get NCDOT to revise current plans for widening Alston Ave. The current proposal doesn't even meet existing needs for walkable communities, let alone plan for the future when gas is 5 bucks a gallon or more. (A recent CNN survey shows that 86% of Americans expect gas to hit 5 bucks this year)
Anwyay, here's some addresses and contact information for soem of the folks who will be making this decision:
NC DOT Board of Directors - Ken Spaulding represents Durham on this Board. You can reach him at (919) 489-8900.
Durham/Chapel Hill/Carrboro MPO - Mike Woodard (mike.woodard@durhamnc.gov) and Mayor Bill Bell (bill.bell@durhamnc.gov) represent the city on the Metropolitan Planning Organization; Becky Heron (bmheron@durhamcountync.gov) represents the county.
Here's what the folks in East Durham are thinking:
Anwyay, here's some addresses and contact information for soem of the folks who will be making this decision:
NC DOT Board of Directors - Ken Spaulding represents Durham on this Board. You can reach him at (919) 489-8900.
Durham/Chapel Hill/Carrboro MPO - Mike Woodard (mike.woodard@durhamnc.gov) and Mayor Bill Bell (bill.bell@durhamnc.gov) represent the city on the Metropolitan Planning Organization; Becky Heron (bmheron@durhamcountync.gov) represents the county.
Here's what the folks in East Durham are thinking:
-The NC DOT has been trained in Context Sensitive Solutions. We'd like to see more of the techniques from this school of thought used on Alston Ave.'s design.
-The removal of the only grocery store in walking distance to us is an environmental justice issue that MUST be mitigated by the NC DOT. Title VI requires that this project not harm a neighborhood like ours. Current plans will bring more harm than benefit to the area.
-Pedestrians will be negatively affected by this project. East Durham has a higher rate of walking and biking traffic than other parts of Durham, and dedicated right hand turn lanes are unsafe here because of that.
-The Office of Economic and Workforce Development and the Division of Transportation do not support the Alston Ave. plan proposed by NC DOT. Business owners state that foot traffic is what would make most sense to them.
-The old thinking of roadways only being about cars is over. This area has the highest amount of pedestrian activity in the city, and many favor this as a way to get to work, church, school, shop and recreation.
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