George Bush sees the light
Or not.
Uh, chimpy? Maybe if you had, you know, listened when you went to the Security Council, that might have meant something. But coming from the man who gives an interview "(w)earing an Air Force One flying jacket embroidered with George W Bush over his left breast, and with a china mug bearing the acronym Potus - President of the United States - at his side," what else would you expect but stunning narcissism.
"I think that in retrospect I could have used a different tone, a different rhetoric," Bush told the Times as he flew across the Atlantic on Air Force One.
The phrases he used to win support for the war such as "bring 'em on" and "dead or alive" he said, "indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace."
But that impression, he insisted, was far from the truth.
"One of the untold stories of Iraq is that we explored the diplomacy a lot," he said. "We all wanted to solve this 'disclose, disarm, or face serious consequences' in a diplomatic fashion. After all, I went to the United Nations security council."
Uh, chimpy? Maybe if you had, you know, listened when you went to the Security Council, that might have meant something. But coming from the man who gives an interview "(w)earing an Air Force One flying jacket embroidered with George W Bush over his left breast, and with a china mug bearing the acronym Potus - President of the United States - at his side," what else would you expect but stunning narcissism.
Labels: George Bush
But, Gary... don't you know? Presidentin' is hard work. You can't expect a feller to come in and pick it up right away. You gotta give 'im at least 2-3 terms to get the big picture stuff, then another term or two to work out the finer points.
History will show that Dubya would have been the greatest president in American history, if only the media, Congress, Courts, international community and the electorate had given him enough time (only 36-40 years) to get acclimated to the job.
Dan S., at 2:59 PM
The person that I can't forgive for Chimpie's "prezadentin" is his father.
He knew what a jackass his son was. He could have stopped him. George is G.H.W.'s legacy.
MK, at 3:19 PM
He's a warrer, not a peacer.
Oh Lord, I'm starting to talk like him now.
His dad must be real proud of him!
I want to visit the George W. Bush presidential library just so I can write rude things in the visitor's book there. Can't wait, I tell you.
Tony, at 7:25 PM
Speaking of writing rude comments in the guest book.
Barry, at 7:56 PM
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