Beaver swag
Beaver Lodge Local 1504 wants me to let you all know about the high quality merch that's going to be available at the Pageant on Saturday.
Ballots, for voting for the People's Choice award, are a buck apiece.
Buttons and fans (useful for cooling off a hot beaver) are $2.00 each. These will be highly collectible, by the way.
Peace Love Beaver bumper stickers are available for $3.00
New this year (and i've seen the advance printing, and they are awesome!) is the Happy Beaver Coloring Book, which will run $5.00
Beaver Lodge Membership cards (which you will need if you want to go to the pageant after party) are also five bucks.
And Beaver Lodge T-shirts are a steal at $15.00.

All sales cash or check. Beavers don't like plastic. There will be merch vendors walking through the crowd during the pageant. We're expecting a lot of people, so make sure you pick up your swag before it's gone.
Ballots, for voting for the People's Choice award, are a buck apiece.
Buttons and fans (useful for cooling off a hot beaver) are $2.00 each. These will be highly collectible, by the way.
Peace Love Beaver bumper stickers are available for $3.00
New this year (and i've seen the advance printing, and they are awesome!) is the Happy Beaver Coloring Book, which will run $5.00
Beaver Lodge Membership cards (which you will need if you want to go to the pageant after party) are also five bucks.
And Beaver Lodge T-shirts are a steal at $15.00.

All sales cash or check. Beavers don't like plastic. There will be merch vendors walking through the crowd during the pageant. We're expecting a lot of people, so make sure you pick up your swag before it's gone.
Labels: Beaver queen pageant
Card caring Lodge Members get free entry to the Pageant After Party, at 600 Foster Street, 9 p.m. Memberships will be available for $5 at the pageant. At the door the After Party price is $10.
DJ Piddy Pat will spin for your dancing and singing pleasure. Some libations will be available. Otherwise BYOPW (bring your own pond water)
Thanks to:
Ellen Cassilly
Sharon Thompson
Red Beret Design
Seagroves Realty
Beaver Lodge Local 1504, at 8:07 AM
DJ Piddy Pat is our mix mistress for the evening. The After Party is located at 600 Foster Street around 9:00 p.m.
Entry is $10 at the door or free for card caring members. Memberships will be sold at the pageant for $5.
Some libations will be available or BYOPW (bring your own pond water)
Thanks to:
Ellen Cassilly
Sharon Thompson
Red Beret Design
Seagroves Realty
WholeFoods Market
Beaver Lodge Local 1504, at 8:11 AM
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