Beaver Queen Pageant - Meet the contestants
Our next contestant is pretty well known from Tatooine to Dagobah and points beyond. Meet Yoda Beaver:
Home World: The Universe (Probably the Milky Way)
Gender: Male
Height: Very Short
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Green
Affiliation: All Beaver Lodges, here and there
Yoda is approximately 3 feet tall and is the Grand Master of the Order of the Bevi. He is a senior member on the Council of Bevi Elders, and arguably the most powerful
Bevi Master in this and all galaxies.
He has trained almost all the Bevi in the Galaxy, His most notable pupils Bevi Katch Keobi, Bevi Mar Courvo Eller, Bevi Joa Andovi, Bevi Bragi Oni. The one who escaped
his training, Brath Verdi defected to the Dark side.
His pupils excelled in quelling CEO Brath Verdi of the DEATH STAR Corps of water wasters and fought with brave hearts to ward off drought where they found waste and abuse of all resources theatening the Beaver’s Home Lodges.
Yoda’s dedication to conservation and preservation of the Gallaxy’s water and
land resources continues.
By our current calendar 2008 AFB (after the birth of Yoda), he was born in 1108 (BBY) He is 900 years old. "When 900 years you reach, look as good you will not “ he would
declare to his students.
Details about Yoda Beaver’s past are not documented, however, there is no doubt that he has exceptional skill in light saber combat. The elfin Yoda could appear as strict or like a grandfatherly figure, testing his pupils to mental and physical extremes, and yet being warm and affable as well. To all of them, council elders, students and members of the Dark side, the humble Yoda Beaver, offers enlightened leadership, epitomized the ideals of the Bevi Order, he is a Grand Master of this august body and was widely known to be a sage instructor and a man of FEW words.
Labels: Beaver queen pageant
i will gladly join forces with yoda to protect princess leia's threatened wetlands.
Princess Leia's Wetland Ready Wear
Beaver Lodge Local 1504, at 1:34 PM
try again on:
Princess Leia's Wetland Ready Wear
Beaver Lodge Local 1504, at 1:47 PM
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