Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack
Mrs D scored tickets to the game tonight, which marks the first Opening Day i'll be attending since i saw the Stockton Ports back in 1986. They had a kid named Gary Sheffield in the lineup that evening. I wonder which one of today's starters is a future Hall of Famer?
Is it just coincidence that it's been 22 years since i've been to an Opening Day? Before that, the only other one i'd been to was Opening Day at Shea Stadium, 1964, also 22 years prior. Maybe there's a comet or something waiting to be discovered this week.
We'll be up in the nosebleed seats in Section 211. I'll be the loudmouth if you want to buy me a beer.
Is it just coincidence that it's been 22 years since i've been to an Opening Day? Before that, the only other one i'd been to was Opening Day at Shea Stadium, 1964, also 22 years prior. Maybe there's a comet or something waiting to be discovered this week.
We'll be up in the nosebleed seats in Section 211. I'll be the loudmouth if you want to buy me a beer.
Labels: baseball
We'll be there too! Scored corporate tickets by the dugout!
Natalie, at 1:52 PM
i guess i'm not as well connected as i thought.
Hey, come on people, hook me up with the good seats. And while you're at it, maybe some REM tickets would be nice.
Barry, at 2:16 PM
I listened to REM on NPR a few days ago.
I got a couple of tickets via my boss. Section 202 row...something.
At least you'll be up there with the redneck lady who seems to be at every game. Yelling things like "Come on, blue!" and "Don't bunt, hit the ball!" haha.
How was Shea then as compard to now?
Anonymous, at 3:33 PM
last time i saw a game at Shea was 1998. it wasn't as big as i remembered it.
Barry, at 3:58 PM
You can see all the 7-year-old boys in the rows ahead turning around to look at Barry every time he shouts something at the field. The look of fascination and admiration in their eyes clearly says "Gee, when I'm all grown up, I want to be the loud guy in the bleachers!"
Anonymous, at 9:33 AM
"I listened to REM on NPR a few days ago."
I realize you might not have been kidding, but that was freakin' hilarious.
I think the next time I want to insult someone's favorite band (not something I do regularly, but hey), I may say, "yeah, I heard them on NPR a few days ago..."
Unknown, at 2:05 PM
they seemed to be having a good time on the Colbert Report last week.
Barry, at 2:13 PM
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