Pretty flowers
Gotta say that i'm impressed with the blooming daffodils over at the Guess Rd. and Hillandale Rd. interchanges off I-85. Folks who live along those corridors owe a big thanks to County Commissioner Ellen Reckhow, who went the extra mile to find the funding to upgrade from the standard NCDOT fare.

The only question i have is which of our County Commissioners, incumbent, retiring, or soon-to-be elected, is going to step up to the plate and find the funds to upgrade the rest of our I-85 interchanges like Duke St?

Or Roxboro St?

Or Avondale Dr?

The only question i have is which of our County Commissioners, incumbent, retiring, or soon-to-be elected, is going to step up to the plate and find the funds to upgrade the rest of our I-85 interchanges like Duke St?

Or Roxboro St?

Or Avondale Dr?
Labels: transportation issues
I'm not really a farmer or anything, but I'm thinking flowers aren't going to grow on that cement.
Valerie at We Love Durham, at 8:27 AM
No, they're not. It would have been a lot cheaper to landscape those interchanges the right way the first time. Now someone will have to blast all that concrete out of there and redo the medians entirely.
Unless our elected officials are comfortable with spending our money to improve one part of town but not another.
Barry, at 9:27 AM
But the bare concrete is so gritty and urban, and isn't that what people love about Durham? Pretty flowers are so bourgeois.
Anonymous, at 8:06 AM
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