Keeping your world safe from pierced nipples
"Our security officers are well-trained to screen individuals with body piercings in sensitive areas with dignity and respect while ensuring a high level of security," the agency said in a statement.
Which explains, of course, why the United States hasn't been hit by terrorists since 9/11, excepting that little anthrax incident which no one talks about anymore anyway, since we never did figure out who it was who did that, and we we don't really care too much anyway, do we?
I think everybody who flies more than once or twice a year got a good chuckle out of that "well-trained" line, didn't they?
Since you brought it up.
FBI Focusing on 'About Four' Suspects in 2001 Anthrax Attacks
This would be on CNN and in the NY Times but they don't want us to be reminded that we were attacked.
Locomotive Breath, at 2:43 PM
"FBI timing anthrax inquiry to coincide with Presidential campaigns" was the original headline, I think.
Who wants to wager we attack Iran sometime in October? Say about 2 weeks before election day?
Do you consider yourself a "conservative"? Then aren't you least bit bothered by George W. Bush's ideas on the so-called "unitary executive"? He's created an interpretation of the office of the President with no oversight from Congress or the courts. How would you feel if a President Hillary or a President Obama had the same powers?
Tony, at 9:41 PM
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