Big mouth!

By the way, we'll be spending the afternoon at the Gloucester Mardi Gras celebration. We stumbled into this party last year, and decided to come back for a second helping. The only thing i can think of is that somehow Gloucester reverted to the Julian calendar sometime in the past 12 months.
Labels: beer, Mardi Gras
Regarding the odd Mardi Gras schedule -- I don't understand it either, but it seems to be common. In Mexico, they're crazy about carnaval. And instead of everybody having them in the days just before Lent, they scatter them throughout the month. I think this may have something to do with the limited quantity of rentable mini-roller coasters for children and beer-company-sponsored-floats. I'm not kidding.
Regarding Mardi Gloucester -- man, I would sure love some of that food right now. I guess I could go get some good seafood with a five block walk from where I'm currently sitting. But I'm feeling lazy. And feeling like I need to eat some of the vegetables in my refrigerator. (Mexican city definition of green vegetables: something you can find at the market, but that restaurants apparently never buy.)
Marsosudiro, at 2:18 PM
I'm familiar with Carnevale Ambrosiano, which is celebrated in Milan on the Saturday following Ash Wednesday. This was just as much fun, if a little late.
And those North River oysters are worth the trip.
Barry, at 4:20 PM
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