Duke Graduate Student Shot to Death Posted: Jan. 19, 2008
DURHAM — A graduate student was found shot to death late Friday night, Duke University police said.
Robberies, Slaying Alarm Duke Community Posted: Today at 6:53 a.m. Updated: 24 minutes ago
DURHAM — Both Durham and Duke University police will increase patrols near campus, the university said Monday in light of three weekend crimes involving students and an employee.
The Duke Police Department is extremely concerned about the type and frequencies of crimes that the Duke community has experienced," Aaron Graves, associate vice president for campus safety and security, said Monday in a news release.
Dozens of robberies target Latino victims Durham police also investigating fatal shooting
From Staff Reports DURHAM - Police are seeking information about a series of robberies targeting Latino victims at apartment complexes across the city.
Q: If MLK were to visit Durham today, would he be proud of what he sees?
Dhananjay Mahato’s voice choked. He needed to know who shot his 29-year-old grandson Abhijeet dead in the US, but he doesn’t know who to ask.
Hands folded before visiting journalists, he said: "We have questions and queries criss-crossing our minds. Who killed my grandchild? And when will his body come?" Abhijeet, who hails from Gamharia here, was found shot dead in an apartment complex. He was doing his PhD in Duke University in North Carolina
“We are not that affluent to fly to North Carolina to seek justice,” Dhananjay, a former MLA, said. “I am consoling myself that my Abhijeet's body will arrive, may be tomorrow or the day after.”
I guess they're screwed at ever finding out what happened.
So what are you suggesting? That we send out a posse and round up the usual supects and hang them from a tree?
It sucks when people are murdered.
Do you know who committed this crime?
I certainly don't. But if you do, don't you think you should share that information with the police (Duke or Durham, i don't have a particular preference) so that you can help to see justice done?
Or would you prefer to make barely disguised racist threats on a fourth rate local blog that attracts 300 readers on a good day? Does that make you feel more studly? Come on, sign up at blogger and publish your own anti-DE blog. You could call it the Limp Dick or something, so people would know just from the title that you were writing to counter my propaganda.
I pointed out that MLK just might be disappointed at what Durham has become. If you consider that a "barely disguised racist threat" that says more about you than me. The only thing that statement threatens is your world outlook.
I'm sure there was actual DNA evidence left at this murder scene. Maybe we could have a massive DNA dragnet and test everyone in the neighborhood?
And for the record, I believe that an earlier commenter called this the "Limp Dick" blog. Or was it "Erectile Dysfunction" blog. I can't remember. But in any event you could at least try to be original.
Did anyone else think it a bit weird that Indian embassy staff met with Brodhead to "ensure diligence in the investigation"? See the article in the Chronicle today.
I understand they were primarily there to make arrangements for the return of the body, but I thought it was rather strange to extrapolate to a broader problem of hate crimes against Indians.
How could anyone hate Indians? Like the software developers of RTP are going to form a lynch mob. I think not.
How fucking DARE you, you sorry little piece of shit. You come in here parading the tragic murder of a bright young man in order to forward some old grudge about FUCKING CASE WHERE THE CHARGES WERE DISMISSED. Not only that, you shove your toxic feces into the mouth of a civil rights leader, trying to take some moral high ground, when your FUCKING BALLS are so microscopic that you hide behind "anonymous."
You are sick, you slanderous cunt. Have fun hiding in your fucking gated community, jacking off to to the boob job hotties on Fox News. I'm so glad that the injustice of this young man's tragedy inspired you to POST AN ANONYMOUS COMMENT OF A FUCKING BLOG, which, for the love of God, was about MLK and the DEMOLITION OF HISTORIC BUILDINGS. It's a damned good thing you didn't, I don't know, try to DO something about it.
You first. What, are you 5 years old? If you think this is important enough to write about it, then do so. There are plenty of angles: the tragedy of the murder itself; what the loss of Abhijeet's work might mean to his field of study ; how disgraceful it is that the family isn't getting any information; the safety of Durham's residents. Unless Barry, King of the Fourth Rate Blogs, controls your hands, your computer and how you think, there's nothing stopping you.
If he irritates you so much, why even bother reading? You know what you're going to get. It can't be a surprise to you any more.
Damn, now I'm being all rude and shit.
Barry, thanks for the link to Gary's post. He said: While it seems commonplace to consider King's mission and legacy to begin and end with the fight against racial injustice, his fight extended to an equally insidious problem - the multiple compounding effects of entrenched, systemic poverty, and the disenfranchisement of people based on their economic status. To me, this remains a fundamental, if not the fundamental problem of human society.
I couldn't agree with anything more than that last sentence. Disenfranchisement and sytemic poverty destroy hope. When you lose hope, or never had it to begin with, you have nothing.
dc - irrational hatred based on race knows no bounds. Paki-bashing was considered to be a good time for a while by certain segments of English society. Maybe it still is for all i know.
Nothing but abuse and name calling. Once again, it's simply personal invective that rules here.
And since you want to get into it, the charges were dismissed because the defendants spent a million or so to overcome the corrupt as hell Durham system. And they almost didn't. Too bad this poor guy's parents can't do that. This is likely to become just another unsolved Durham homicide. That bothers me. Sorry for that.
when your FUCKING BALLS are so microscopic that you hide behind "anonymous."
You are sick, you slanderous cunt.
Did your daddy/mommy forget to have that little talk with you to explain la difference. And "mtb" is soooo much more revealing than "anonymous".
And yet the question remains. Looking at Durham today would MLK be proud of the outcome of the civil rights for which he worked so hard. Or would a little introspection be wrong on his holiday? ------------------ maura said... You first. What, are you 5 years old?
Well, if you were paying attention you'd have seen that this is the rough equivalent
barry ragin said... What a coincidence.
I've been waiting for you to blog about these incidents as well.
Well sorry if you think Barry is above criticism for his selection of topics. Considering he's been posting a long list of justice gone badly wrong (including graphic shock photos) from outside of Durham and from long ago, I thought I might suggest a focus on a thing or two in the here and now.
If he irritates you so much, why even bother reading? You know what you're going to get. It can't be a surprise to you any more.
So foul-mouthed Barry and his foul mouthed (OK - not you) readers only want to hear agreement? I'm supposed to stop posting because I don't agree with him. I've generally been pretty civil.
Durham police say they know someone knows what happened inside the apartment and they need to hear from that person, if they are going to solve this case.
First of all, i write about whatever i feel like writing about.
You don't like it?
I don't care.
The First Amendment gives you as much right to publish a blog as it gives me. Take advantage of it if you see a void in the information available to you. Whining about what i write is a waste of your titme.
Second, MLK, Jr. has been dead for 40 years. I never met him. It's an insult to put words in his mouth. I'll tell you what i think these incidents say about Durham, though.
Barry, I think you missed my point. By all accounts this was a senseless robbery gone bad, and three dead Indian doctoral students does not a trend make. Seems like gratuitous scare-mongering to me.
BTW are you among the beavers taking the Krispy Kreme Challenge this Sat.? Dan R. and I are riding together.
dc - maybe i did. sorry if that's the case. i haven't heard about two additional deaths in the Indian grad student community.
for my anonymous friend - here's the last i'm going to say about this. if you want the last word, you can have it. my issue over the last few weeks has been, and remains, the willingness of supporters of the Duke lacrosse players to use specific language, such as "lynch mob," to describe the behavior of a certain segment of the Durham community in 2006. As i've pointed out, sufficiently i believe, such language is an inappropriate metaphor for a number of reasons, the most important of which is that actual "lynch mobs" actually, you know, lynched people. Which meant acting outside the law, determining guilt extra-constitutionally, and engaging in pretty barbaric, usually public, executions. That is precisely not what happened in Durham.
That "lynch mobs" more often than not (much more often than not) lynched African-Americans, the use of the term is particularly offensive. The only purpose for using it is to attempt to create a particular, elevated status of "victim."
It doesn't take a lot of research to determine that this particular "we were victimized worse than anyone has ever been victimized" approach has been adopted, with more or less success, by what one might call for lack of a better term, "oppressed white guys."
Seems like pointing that out touched a nerve with certain of my readers, yourself included.
Too fucking bad.
On the other hand, if you want to pretend not to see the racism inherent in asking your insulting question about MLK, that's not my problem.
As for naming your blog, hey, if you don't like Limp Dick, or Erectile Dysfunction, maybe you could call it the Micro Phallus or the Nano-Testicular Attack Zone? Or even "What's it Like?"
This is the third shooting death of an Indian doctoral student in a month, following the Dec. 13 murders of two Ph.D. candidates at Louisiana State University. Newspapers in India are reporting that the incidents have raised questions within the Indian community about the safety of the U.S. university environment.
So foul-mouthed Barry and his foul mouthed (OK - not you) readers only want to hear agreement? I'm supposed to stop posting because I don't agree with him. I've generally been pretty civil.
Barry linked to a wonderfully written post about MLK, and the first thing you did was challenge him about his subject. I'm sure he's as appalled by the grad student's murder as you are, but that doesn't mean he has to write about it.
The lacrosse case was about much more than the allegation of a rape. It turned into a debate about race, class and gender. That's what makes it fodder for ongoing discussion.
The lacrosse players may not have been guilty of an actual crime, and they may have been railroaded, but no one will ever convince me that they are 1) innocent,in the larger sense of the word; 2) upstanding; and 3) suffering in the long run.
I'm all for disagreement, but I prefer it to be as civil as possible. One of the rules for my blogs is no name-calling between commenters and no talking about anyone's mama. It's unproductive.
No one will every convince me at a slutty acting rape victim is 1) innocent,in the larger sense of the word; 2) upstanding; and 3) suffering in the long run.
Maura what are the LAX players not so innocent of then envy from the likes of losers like you?
Because for the life of me I cannot see any reason why someone would want to belittle a group of guys that have been proven 100% innocent.
Just because you life apparently sucks does not mean that by hating others that are more successful than you that you miserable life will some how improve.
anonymous, I'll agree with you that the accuser is not innocent, in the larger sense of the word. I don't agree, though, that she doesn't suffer. I think she's suffered all her life.
Trinityrez, if you talk nice, maybe I'll answer your question. I think it's evident that insulting me is not the way to pull me into a real, live, actual discussion. Anonymous may have irritated me, and I sure as hell don't agree with him/her, but there wasn't any namecalling.
Well when someone, being you, has the logical mindset and envious nature of a child I just want to treat them as such.
So consider my words insulting or playing to your level but for the life of me I cannot understand the hatred and jealousy that has been shown among many that are "tolerant."
Do you consider a provocatively dressed woman asking for rape? Then why do you consider people that were vilified and hated to not be so innocent. See that is where your prejudice shines through.
See, TrinityRez, I don't get where the LieStopperz(TM) come from with this theory that those of us who roll our eyes at the current state of the affair are somehow "in envy" of those "more successful" than us.
I said at the beginning of this whole thing eighteen months ago that we don't know what happened in the house and the legal system needs to work through the matter. (Now the system has worked through, haltingly at times, and we know no sexual assault happened in the house.)
But I also said at the time that if people think that the behavior of college students in the neighborhood was "typical," they were sorely mistaken. Am I somehow "envious" of the off-campus renter students to point that out? No.
For the record, my spouse and I both have college educations from schools comparable to Duke and have household income in the top 3% of US households, so I don't exactly think we're in a position of "envy" when we point out behavior from various students in the neighborhood that was just boorish.
Just because no crime was committed at the house doesn't excuse the kind of behavior that's happened in the neighborhood for years, though you certainly get the impression from the LieStopperz(TM) forum that that's the case.
Well when someone, being you, has the logical mindset and envious nature of a child I just want to treat them as such. If you think I'm behaving like a child, then you should definitely be a little nicer. Would you call a child a loser? I've been called, and admitted to, many things, including being bitchy and loud, but envious isn't one of them.
And where do you get the impression I have no life? If you've been reading my blogs, then you have a clue about it, but I doubt you have. So I would appreciate if you'd back off on that.
I see. Cast a wide net on the LAX players for others misdeeds. And if you do not think that hiring strippers and drinking underage is not common in college towns you are sadly mistaken. It is the selective indignation that mystifies me.
Should I hate all female prostitutes based on the action of the drugged up female that started all this? You know the slut that has escaped this fiasco unscathed due to her sex and color.
Money is not the only thing that can cause hatred and envy. Good for you on the top 3% income. You deserve it I am sure.
Also, I would love for someone to tackle the question ask above by another poster.
Would MLK be proud of Durham today. You know the Durham that has a committee that does not allow whites to attend meetings. A city that has a group of blacks targeting Latin ethnic groups. A city that has...well you know the drill.
Maura you still have not answered why the bad LAX boys are not so innocent.
If it is not envy than why the hostility toward a group of people that after all was said in done was the only people in the fiasco to be telling the truth.
Are you a raving lunatic male hating feminist? Do you just hate Duke students? Do you hate the fact that your world view was proven completely illogical?
People do not just tend to single out one group and cast aside all reality for no reason.
And no I have not read your blogg. One illogical raving agenda driven unproven reality blogg is all can take. I just do not have time for fiction (compliments of Nifong).
Also, I do not care for people with illogical prejudices.
Alicia show me where I have shown hatred toward women. Not all women are male hating feminist. I just hate people with illogical mindsets that hide their hatred of others behind the mantra "I am tolerant." Tolerant my ass.
Did you see that a leader of NY NOW lambasted Ted for not supporting Hillary because she is a woman. Is that the top criteria for supporting a candidate? It is mindsets like this that cause normal people to shake their head at radical sexist racist groups that are no better than the KKK.
Now show me again how I hate women. I hate any group that pushes an agenda that is based on sex, religion, race etc.
Now back to the kitchen where you belong. Please understand that that is a joke. Or are you too sensitive to understand humor if it is directed at women?
trinityrez, why should I answer your questions when you can't seem to calm down? I feel like you're screaming in my face and shaking your finger at me. This seems to be your preferred way to communicate, but nobody responds well to that. Really, I'm just asking to you be civil. And no I have not read your blogg. One illogical raving agenda driven unproven reality blogg is all can take. I just do not have time for fiction.
I don't write fiction. I write mostly about food, books, television, movies and beauty products. I think there's even a mandatory "look how cute my cats are" entry in there somewhere. You know, girl stuff. But I think I've decided what my next subject is. "Why do some people have to be so friggin' rude?"
The LAX boys are certainly guilty of being racist shits. Something to do with a grandfather and cotton vest, remember? At least one of them admitted that one, iirc. Also, the LAX team was known around campus as a bunch of privileged brutes, quite notorious for date rapes (mostly unreported to authorities) and so on. That reputation was not undeserved.
That the accuser isn't innocent is a given, but the lack of simple legal guilt of the LAX team doesn't make them innocent either. They're guilty of being privileged, racist, homophobic, sexist little dickheads. No, that isn't a crime, but it does make me want to spit in their faces.
On a somewhat different note: in Sweden, it's perfectly legal to be a prostitute, but illegal to pay for sex. Think about that.
I see Durham gets his/her info from the Independent. The report produced by Coleman, black Duke law professor, found none of what you state but hey do not let the facts get in your way. You have an agenda and a world view to uphold.
No racism Highest GPA among ACC athletes. No sexism Very well liked by classmates Highest volunteer among LAX players
Maybe you should find a different "independent" source for your information but I warn ya. Your world view will change.
As to the cotton shirt remark what should the boys do when two black prostitutes call them "little dick white boys" and rip them off for $800.00? The women were lucky they were dealing with civilized people. In certain parts of Durham they would have been shot.
But ya know it is better to hold rich white boys to a different standard. Isn't it?
etselec, if you follow the thread you will see I never claimed rape victims, be they men or women, ask for it. I am sorry if you cannot follow the thread.
My questions was to the crowd that says that the LAX players were not angels or innocent blah blah blah.
It is a comparison in that I can safely predict the answer. But no one seems to want to answer because they know that women are not to blame. However, for some reason they have no problem bashing the victims in the LAX situation.
It is tolerance I tell ya. Selective indignation at its finest.
I get my info from actual members of the Duke student body. The reputation of the team around campus was abysmal long prior to the incident in question. I'm actually a student at Duke, so I think perhaps I'm more connected to the buzz of this community than you are, dear.
As to what the boys should have done: really, I don't care. Maybe, I don't know, go report that they had been ripped off for $800. What they should not have done was reply to bullshit with racism.
For the record, I do know that the LAX boys are white, but do not know their penis sizes, so cannot comment regarding the veracity of the statements made at them.
By the way, when are you showing up on S.Alston with a pile of cash? You really are quite the hypocrite.
OK durhamfood. Put up or shut up. Names dates and places.
Otherwise you're just as big a liar as your buddy Mike Nifong.
And you missed the point. You're willing to call the lax team "racist shits". What epithet do you have for Kim Roberts Pitman who started the whole thing by calling them "little dick white boys". Conveniently overlooked. Where's your condemnation of her? Or are there two different standards of behavior? --------------- maura said... anonymous, I'll agree with you that the accuser is not innocent, in the larger sense of the word. I don't agree, though, that she doesn't suffer. I think she's suffered all her life.
When I talked about "slutty acting rape victim" I wasn't referring to Crystal Mangum. First of all, she's not a rape victim. Second of all, she's not "slutty acting", but is an actual prostitute. Or do you not understand where that "Louvre of DNA" came from. She's suffered all her life from a series of knowably bad decisions that she herself made. Too bad for her but she shouldn't be allowed to wreck other people's lives with her lies.
I feel sorry for her three children, one of whom she went out and conceived immediately after not being raped. Those are three more people who will be suffering all their lives as a consequence of her bad decisions. Seriously, where the hell is Social Services?
Ok I will take the word of the crowd of people you hang around over an independent review by Coleman and the committee. Based on the character I saw displayed by the LAX 3 during the entire process I will assume that the people YOU associate with may just have a little envy running through their veins.
Keep on telling yourself they were jerks if it makes you feel better. Jealousy is not very becoming really.
Funny how the only ones in the process that look like jerks is the people who have try to bring down innocent people.
It is understandable how you and others want to hold the LAX players, ya know 18-22 year olds, to a different standard. I guess that is fair considering that white rich males are of better stock than prostitutes, angry professors, unsuccessful pot bangers, delusional DA's etc.
We definitely see who the winners and losers are now.
As I said, I have no idea whether or not the boys have small penises, so I cannot comment on the veracity of the accuser's statement towards them.
And no, I will not name dates and places, as many of the incidents were not reported for various reasons and I would be betraying people's confidentiality and trust.
And yes, TR, you should trust people who actually interacted with the team over an investigative report whose purpose was to cover Duke's ass, or over your observations of the boys during the process, when they were under strict legal instruction to be on their best behavior. Dude, you're clueless.
When I talked about "slutty acting rape victim" I wasn't referring to Crystal Mangum. First of all, she's not a rape victim. Second of all, she's not "slutty acting", but is an actual prostitute.
My mistake. Then who were you referring to? Just some random rape victim? Because now I'm confused. If you weren't talking about Crystal Magnum, I'm not sure what your point is. Do you think rape victims are slutty? Do you believe that's why women are raped? I'm just trying to suss this out, seriously.
Seriously, fuck off. You think I should betray the confidence of my friends to prove a fucking point?! You really are a complete dickhead. Go fuck yourself.
In other words Durham you have shit to prove your point.
Oh you mean the same Duke that joined in on the lets bash some innocent white boys? Ya know the same Duke that had to financially settle with the young men due to their harsh, and some say illegal, treatment of them.
Do you think that if these young men were so bad that some left wing hating nut job would have found any dirt possible during the fiasco?
Your problem is you are going into the analysis with a predisposed assumption. It will never be possible for you to be objective.
How does it feel a year later to still hate a group of people who were completely innocent? Funny how the pot bangers and such look like complete asses.
Keep that world view alive and well by not letting the facts get in ya way. Do not worry there or other hate filled individuals to keep you company.
I'm talking about the standard-issue loose woman who sleeps around. She's far from "innocent" yet no one I know says that she somehow "deserves" to be raped or would hold it against her afterwards.
If rape is a crime of power, the the Duke lacrosse players were sure as hell raped by the power of the local law enforcement and judicial system. (Hey Barry, it's a figure of speech. Get over it.)
Apparently the only thing "not innocent" you can identify about the Duke lacrosse players is that they are well-off white men and we all know that they somehow share the "collective guilt" for the oppression of poor downtrodden people like Crystal Mangum.
I'm talking about the standard-issue loose woman who sleeps around. She's far from "innocent" yet no one I know says that she somehow "deserves" to be raped or would hold it against her afterwards. Well, we have a different definition of what slutty is. I don't think slut is a relevant term anyway. One person's slut is another person's sexually confident woman. I was confused because I was referring to the three accused lacrosse players, not men in general. Or even rich, white guys in general. I don't hate rich, white guys. I don't know enough of them to form an opinion. And it would be pretty arrogant of me to hate someone just because he's rich.
Apparently the only thing "not innocent" you can identify about the Duke lacrosse players is that they are well-off white men and we all know that they somehow share the "collective guilt" for the oppression of poor downtrodden people like Crystal Mangum.
Actually, I haven't said anything about why I believe they're not innocent. Nor did I say anything about collective guilt. Was that your inference because I said I think Crystal Magnum has suffered? I find it hard to believe that someone could make a false accusation like that if she hadn't suffered.
But since you asked nicely, here it is:
The LAX boys are certainly guilty of being racist shits. Something to do with a grandfather and cotton vest, remember? At least one of them admitted that one, iirc. Also, the LAX team was known around campus as a bunch of privileged brutes, quite notorious for date rapes (mostly unreported to authorities) and so on. That reputation was not undeserved.
That the accuser isn't innocent is a given, but the lack of simple legal guilt of the LAX team doesn't make them innocent either. They're guilty of being racist, homophobic, sexist little dickheads. No, that isn't a crime, but it does make me want to spit in their faces.
Credit to Durhamfood. There's no point in rewording it since he made all the points I would have made.
Not that I want to spit in their faces. I'd rather see their mothers smack them upside the head and give their asses a public chewing out.
If your mother, or sister, or daughter, or wife, or fiancee, or girlfriend or just someone you know told you that she thinks she was raped while drunk but that she doesn't want to report it, would you go around blogs advertising the names, dates and places? If so, you truly are scum.
I don't jump in with assumptions. I go on what actually happened to real people that I know. Not some shit that I saw on TV, nor that I read in a report.
Wow. Something Durham and I agree upon. Women can sleep with as many men as they please. I actually welcome that myself. As long as it is not my daughter or my wife.
Since 1949, Durhamites have slept soundly, secure in the knowledge that, in our town, erection can be depended upon. Now, thanks to the power of the internets, we can spread that security all over the world.
I've been waiting for you to blog about this
Duke Graduate Student Shot to Death
Posted: Jan. 19, 2008
DURHAM — A graduate student was found shot to death late Friday night, Duke University police said.
Robberies, Slaying Alarm Duke Community
Posted: Today at 6:53 a.m.
Updated: 24 minutes ago
DURHAM — Both Durham and Duke University police will increase patrols near campus, the university said Monday in light of three weekend crimes involving students and an employee.
The Duke Police Department is extremely concerned about the type and frequencies of crimes that the Duke community has experienced," Aaron Graves, associate vice president for campus safety and security, said Monday in a news release.
Dozens of robberies target Latino victims
Durham police also investigating fatal shooting
From Staff Reports
DURHAM - Police are seeking information about a series of robberies targeting Latino victims at apartment complexes across the city.
Q: If MLK were to visit Durham today, would he be proud of what he sees?
Anonymous, at 1:15 PM
What a coincidence.
I've been waiting for you to blog about these incidents as well.
Barry, at 1:24 PM
You first.
And answer the question. What's on MLK's mind as he looks at Durham today?
Anonymous, at 1:34 PM
Huh? How would i know?
Barry, at 1:44 PM
A: "I guess it was only a dream"
Anonymous, at 2:27 PM
Ah, now i understand your anonymity.
Barry, at 2:33 PM
Maybe you could find a gruesome picture of this guy and post THAT on your blog. But you'd rather talk about injustice from 100 years ago.
Family keeps waiting for call from US
Dhananjay Mahato’s voice choked. He needed to know who shot his 29-year-old grandson Abhijeet dead in the US, but he doesn’t know who to ask.
Hands folded before visiting journalists, he said: "We have questions and queries criss-crossing our minds. Who killed my grandchild? And when will his body come?" Abhijeet, who hails from Gamharia here, was found shot dead in an apartment complex. He was doing his PhD in Duke University in North Carolina
“We are not that affluent to fly to North Carolina to seek justice,” Dhananjay, a former MLA, said. “I am consoling myself that my Abhijeet's body will arrive, may be tomorrow or the day after.”
I guess they're screwed at ever finding out what happened.
Anonymous, at 4:33 PM
So what are you suggesting? That we send out a posse and round up the usual supects and hang them from a tree?
It sucks when people are murdered.
Do you know who committed this crime?
I certainly don't. But if you do, don't you think you should share that information with the police (Duke or Durham, i don't have a particular preference) so that you can help to see justice done?
Or would you prefer to make barely disguised racist threats on a fourth rate local blog that attracts 300 readers on a good day? Does that make you feel more studly? Come on, sign up at blogger and publish your own anti-DE blog. You could call it the Limp Dick or something, so people would know just from the title that you were writing to counter my propaganda.
Barry, at 4:47 PM
I pointed out that MLK just might be disappointed at what Durham has become. If you consider that a "barely disguised racist threat" that says more about you than me. The only thing that statement threatens is your world outlook.
I'm sure there was actual DNA evidence left at this murder scene. Maybe we could have a massive DNA dragnet and test everyone in the neighborhood?
And for the record, I believe that an earlier commenter called this the "Limp Dick" blog. Or was it "Erectile Dysfunction" blog. I can't remember. But in any event you could at least try to be original.
Anonymous, at 10:13 AM
Did anyone else think it a bit weird that Indian embassy staff met with Brodhead to "ensure diligence in the investigation"? See the article in the Chronicle today.
I understand they were primarily there to make arrangements for the return of the body, but I thought it was rather strange to extrapolate to a broader problem of hate crimes against Indians.
How could anyone hate Indians? Like the software developers of RTP are going to form a lynch mob. I think not.
Anonymous, at 11:09 AM
How fucking DARE you, you sorry little piece of shit. You come in here parading the tragic murder of a bright young man in order to forward some old grudge about FUCKING CASE WHERE THE CHARGES WERE DISMISSED. Not only that, you shove your toxic feces into the mouth of a civil rights leader, trying to take some moral high ground, when your FUCKING BALLS are so microscopic that you hide behind "anonymous."
You are sick, you slanderous cunt. Have fun hiding in your fucking gated community, jacking off to to the boob job hotties on Fox News. I'm so glad that the injustice of this young man's tragedy inspired you to POST AN ANONYMOUS COMMENT OF A FUCKING BLOG, which, for the love of God, was about MLK and the DEMOLITION OF HISTORIC BUILDINGS. It's a damned good thing you didn't, I don't know, try to DO something about it.
You sorry piece of shit.
Anonymous, at 11:11 AM
You first.
What, are you 5 years old? If you think this is important enough to write about it, then do so. There are plenty of angles: the tragedy of the murder itself; what the loss of Abhijeet's work might mean to his field of study ; how disgraceful it is that the family isn't getting any information; the safety of Durham's residents. Unless Barry, King of the Fourth Rate Blogs, controls your hands, your computer and how you think, there's nothing stopping you.
If he irritates you so much, why even bother reading? You know what you're going to get. It can't be a surprise to you any more.
Damn, now I'm being all rude and shit.
Barry, thanks for the link to Gary's post. He said:
While it seems commonplace to consider King's mission and legacy to begin and end with the fight against racial injustice, his fight extended to an equally insidious problem - the multiple compounding effects of entrenched, systemic poverty, and the disenfranchisement of people based on their economic status. To me, this remains a fundamental, if not the fundamental problem of human society.
I couldn't agree with anything more than that last sentence. Disenfranchisement and sytemic poverty destroy hope. When you lose hope, or never had it to begin with, you have nothing.
Anonymous, at 11:23 AM
dc - irrational hatred based on race knows no bounds. Paki-bashing was considered to be a good time for a while by certain segments of English society. Maybe it still is for all i know.
Barry, at 11:27 AM
mtb said...
Nothing but abuse and name calling. Once again, it's simply personal invective that rules here.
And since you want to get into it, the charges were dismissed because the defendants spent a million or so to overcome the corrupt as hell Durham system. And they almost didn't. Too bad this poor guy's parents can't do that. This is likely to become just another unsolved Durham homicide. That bothers me. Sorry for that.
when your FUCKING BALLS are so microscopic that you hide behind "anonymous."
You are sick, you slanderous cunt.
Did your daddy/mommy forget to have that little talk with you to explain la difference. And "mtb" is soooo much more revealing than "anonymous".
And yet the question remains. Looking at Durham today would MLK be proud of the outcome of the civil rights for which he worked so hard. Or would a little introspection be wrong on his holiday?
maura said...
You first.
What, are you 5 years old?
Well, if you were paying attention you'd have seen that this is the rough equivalent
barry ragin said...
What a coincidence.
I've been waiting for you to blog about these incidents as well.
Well sorry if you think Barry is above criticism for his selection of topics. Considering he's been posting a long list of justice gone badly wrong (including graphic shock photos) from outside of Durham and from long ago, I thought I might suggest a focus on a thing or two in the here and now.
If he irritates you so much, why even bother reading? You know what you're going to get. It can't be a surprise to you any more.
So foul-mouthed Barry and his foul mouthed (OK - not you) readers only want to hear agreement? I'm supposed to stop posting because I don't agree with him. I've generally been pretty civil.
Durham police say they know someone knows what happened inside the apartment and they need to hear from that person, if they are going to solve this case.
Good grief. Where have we heard that before?
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM
First of all, i write about whatever i feel like writing about.
You don't like it?
I don't care.
The First Amendment gives you as much right to publish a blog as it gives me. Take advantage of it if you see a void in the information available to you. Whining about what i write is a waste of your titme.
Second, MLK, Jr. has been dead for 40 years. I never met him. It's an insult to put words in his mouth. I'll tell you what i think these incidents say about Durham, though.
There's too many fucking guns in this city.
Barry, at 1:42 PM
it is significantly easier to disparage someone else's blogging, than to write about what YOU think needs to be written about.
I'm sure there was actual DNA evidence left at this murder scene. Maybe we could have a massive DNA dragnet and test everyone in the neighborhood?
I can't think of a more appalling suggestion.
Anonymous, at 2:26 PM
Barry, I think you missed my point. By all accounts this was a senseless robbery gone bad, and three dead Indian doctoral students does not a trend make. Seems like gratuitous scare-mongering to me.
BTW are you among the beavers taking the Krispy Kreme Challenge this Sat.? Dan R. and I are riding together.
Anonymous, at 2:35 PM
dc - maybe i did. sorry if that's the case. i haven't heard about two additional deaths in the Indian grad student community.
for my anonymous friend - here's the last i'm going to say about this. if you want the last word, you can have it. my issue over the last few weeks has been, and remains, the willingness of supporters of the Duke lacrosse players to use specific language, such as "lynch mob," to describe the behavior of a certain segment of the Durham community in 2006. As i've pointed out, sufficiently i believe, such language is an inappropriate metaphor for a number of reasons, the most important of which is that actual "lynch mobs" actually, you know, lynched people. Which meant acting outside the law, determining guilt extra-constitutionally, and engaging in pretty barbaric, usually public, executions. That is precisely not what happened in Durham.
That "lynch mobs" more often than not (much more often than not) lynched African-Americans, the use of the term is particularly offensive. The only purpose for using it is to attempt to create a particular, elevated status of "victim."
It doesn't take a lot of research to determine that this particular "we were victimized worse than anyone has ever been victimized" approach has been adopted, with more or less success, by what one might call for lack of a better term, "oppressed white guys."
Seems like pointing that out touched a nerve with certain of my readers, yourself included.
Too fucking bad.
On the other hand, if you want to pretend not to see the racism inherent in asking your insulting question about MLK, that's not my problem.
As for naming your blog, hey, if you don't like Limp Dick, or Erectile Dysfunction, maybe you could call it the Micro Phallus or the Nano-Testicular Attack Zone? Or even "What's it Like?"
Barry, at 2:58 PM
This is the third shooting death of an Indian doctoral student in a month, following the Dec. 13 murders of two Ph.D. candidates at Louisiana State University. Newspapers in India are reporting that the incidents have raised questions within the Indian community about the safety of the U.S. university environment.
Anonymous, at 3:26 PM
And evidently there is now an Indian woman missing in Cary. Story is at wral.com.
Probably not connected, but still disturbing.
Anonymous, at 3:40 PM
So foul-mouthed Barry and his foul mouthed (OK - not you) readers only want to hear agreement? I'm supposed to stop posting because I don't agree with him. I've generally been pretty civil.
Barry linked to a wonderfully written post about MLK, and the first thing you did was challenge him about his subject. I'm sure he's as appalled by the grad student's murder as you are, but that doesn't mean he has to write about it.
The lacrosse case was about much more than the allegation of a rape. It turned into a debate about race, class and gender. That's what makes it fodder for ongoing discussion.
The lacrosse players may not have been guilty of an actual crime, and they may have been railroaded, but no one will ever convince me that they are 1) innocent,in the larger sense of the word; 2) upstanding; and 3) suffering in the long run.
I'm all for disagreement, but I prefer it to be as civil as possible. One of the rules for my blogs is no name-calling between commenters and no talking about anyone's mama. It's unproductive.
Anonymous, at 10:03 AM
No one will every convince me at a slutty acting rape victim is 1) innocent,in the larger sense of the word; 2) upstanding; and 3) suffering in the long run.
Anonymous, at 4:32 PM
Maura what are the LAX players not so innocent of then envy from the likes of losers like you?
Because for the life of me I cannot see any reason why someone would want to belittle a group of guys that have been proven 100% innocent.
Just because you life apparently sucks does not mean that by hating others that are more successful than you that you miserable life will some how improve.
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM
anonymous, I'll agree with you that the accuser is not innocent, in the larger sense of the word. I don't agree, though, that she doesn't suffer. I think she's suffered all her life.
Trinityrez, if you talk nice, maybe I'll answer your question. I think it's evident that insulting me is not the way to pull me into a real, live, actual discussion. Anonymous may have irritated me, and I sure as hell don't agree with him/her, but there wasn't any namecalling.
Anonymous, at 2:24 PM
Well when someone, being you, has the logical mindset and envious nature of a child I just want to treat them as such.
So consider my words insulting or playing to your level but for the life of me I cannot understand the hatred and jealousy that has been shown among many that are "tolerant."
Do you consider a provocatively dressed woman asking for rape? Then why do you consider people that were vilified and hated to not be so innocent. See that is where your prejudice shines through.
Anonymous, at 2:32 PM
See, TrinityRez, I don't get where the LieStopperz(TM) come from with this theory that those of us who roll our eyes at the current state of the affair are somehow "in envy" of those "more successful" than us.
I said at the beginning of this whole thing eighteen months ago that we don't know what happened in the house and the legal system needs to work through the matter. (Now the system has worked through, haltingly at times, and we know no sexual assault happened in the house.)
But I also said at the time that if people think that the behavior of college students in the neighborhood was "typical," they were sorely mistaken. Am I somehow "envious" of the off-campus renter students to point that out? No.
For the record, my spouse and I both have college educations from schools comparable to Duke and have household income in the top 3% of US households, so I don't exactly think we're in a position of "envy" when we point out behavior from various students in the neighborhood that was just boorish.
Just because no crime was committed at the house doesn't excuse the kind of behavior that's happened in the neighborhood for years, though you certainly get the impression from the LieStopperz(TM) forum that that's the case.
Anonymous, at 2:42 PM
Well when someone, being you, has the logical mindset and envious nature of a child I just want to treat them as such.
If you think I'm behaving like a child, then you should definitely be a little nicer. Would you call a child a loser?
I've been called, and admitted to, many things, including being bitchy and loud, but envious isn't one of them.
And where do you get the impression I have no life? If you've been reading my blogs, then you have a clue about it, but I doubt you have. So I would appreciate if you'd back off on that.
Anonymous, at 2:46 PM
I see. Cast a wide net on the LAX players for others misdeeds. And if you do not think that hiring strippers and drinking underage is not common in college towns you are sadly mistaken. It is the selective indignation that mystifies me.
Should I hate all female prostitutes based on the action of the drugged up female that started all this? You know the slut that has escaped this fiasco unscathed due to her sex and color.
Money is not the only thing that can cause hatred and envy. Good for you on the top 3% income. You deserve it I am sure.
Also, I would love for someone to tackle the question ask above by another poster.
Would MLK be proud of Durham today. You know the Durham that has a committee that does not allow whites to attend meetings. A city that has a group of blacks targeting Latin ethnic groups. A city that has...well you know the drill.
Anonymous, at 3:22 PM
Maura you still have not answered why the bad LAX boys are not so innocent.
If it is not envy than why the hostility toward a group of people that after all was said in done was the only people in the fiasco to be telling the truth.
Are you a raving lunatic male hating feminist? Do you just hate Duke students? Do you hate the fact that your world view was proven completely illogical?
People do not just tend to single out one group and cast aside all reality for no reason.
And no I have not read your blogg. One illogical raving agenda driven unproven reality blogg is all can take. I just do not have time for fiction (compliments of Nifong).
Also, I do not care for people with illogical prejudices.
Anonymous, at 3:31 PM
Wow, TrinityRez, you're very hateful towards women. I sense a lot of pent up hostility towards a group of people in you.
{ProtoDoom}, at 4:04 PM
Alicia show me where I have shown hatred toward women. Not all women are male hating feminist. I just hate people with illogical mindsets that hide their hatred of others behind the mantra "I am tolerant." Tolerant my ass.
Did you see that a leader of NY NOW lambasted Ted for not supporting Hillary because she is a woman. Is that the top criteria for supporting a candidate? It is mindsets like this that cause normal people to shake their head at radical sexist racist groups that are no better than the KKK.
Now show me again how I hate women. I hate any group that pushes an agenda that is based on sex, religion, race etc.
Now back to the kitchen where you belong. Please understand that that is a joke. Or are you too sensitive to understand humor if it is directed at women?
Anonymous, at 4:42 PM
trinityrez, why should I answer your questions when you can't seem to calm down? I feel like you're screaming in my face and shaking your finger at me. This seems to be your preferred way to communicate, but nobody responds well to that. Really, I'm just asking to you be civil.
And no I have not read your blogg. One illogical raving agenda driven unproven reality blogg is all can take. I just do not have time for fiction.
I don't write fiction. I write mostly about food, books, television, movies and beauty products. I think there's even a mandatory "look how cute my cats are" entry in there somewhere. You know, girl stuff. But I think I've decided what my next subject is. "Why do some people have to be so friggin' rude?"
Anonymous, at 5:00 PM
The LAX boys are certainly guilty of being racist shits. Something to do with a grandfather and cotton vest, remember? At least one of them admitted that one, iirc. Also, the LAX team was known around campus as a bunch of privileged brutes, quite notorious for date rapes (mostly unreported to authorities) and so on. That reputation was not undeserved.
That the accuser isn't innocent is a given, but the lack of simple legal guilt of the LAX team doesn't make them innocent either. They're guilty of being privileged, racist, homophobic, sexist little dickheads. No, that isn't a crime, but it does make me want to spit in their faces.
On a somewhat different note: in Sweden, it's perfectly legal to be a prostitute, but illegal to pay for sex. Think about that.
DurhamFood, at 6:38 PM
Hey durhamfood, does the phrase "little-dick white boy" ring a bell.
Anonymous, at 10:36 AM
I see Durham gets his/her info from the Independent. The report produced by Coleman, black Duke law professor, found none of what you state but hey do not let the facts get in your way. You have an agenda and a world view to uphold.
No racism
Highest GPA among ACC athletes.
No sexism
Very well liked by classmates
Highest volunteer among LAX players
Maybe you should find a different "independent" source for your information but I warn ya. Your world view will change.
As to the cotton shirt remark what should the boys do when two black prostitutes call them "little dick white boys" and rip them off for $800.00? The women were lucky they were dealing with civilized people. In certain parts of Durham they would have been shot.
But ya know it is better to hold rich white boys to a different standard. Isn't it?
Anonymous, at 1:43 PM
Not mad. I just like pointing out how stupid someone is when they play this "tolerant" crap then ya know they were not innocent mantra.
It just is so predictable and easy to see right through you people.
So back to a question that has not been answered.
Say a girl is raped. Would you be willing to say she is not so innocent and invited the rapist to harm her?
Anonymous, at 1:48 PM
If you believe that rape victims inherently "ask for it", then your world view is the one that is morally repugnant.
Anonymous, at 2:05 PM
etselec, if you follow the thread you will see I never claimed rape victims, be they men or women, ask for it. I am sorry if you cannot follow the thread.
My questions was to the crowd that says that the LAX players were not angels or innocent blah blah blah.
It is a comparison in that I can safely predict the answer. But no one seems to want to answer because they know that women are not to blame. However, for some reason they have no problem bashing the victims in the LAX situation.
It is tolerance I tell ya. Selective indignation at its finest.
Anonymous, at 4:30 PM
I get my info from actual members of the Duke student body. The reputation of the team around campus was abysmal long prior to the incident in question. I'm actually a student at Duke, so I think perhaps I'm more connected to the buzz of this community than you are, dear.
As to what the boys should have done: really, I don't care. Maybe, I don't know, go report that they had been ripped off for $800. What they should not have done was reply to bullshit with racism.
For the record, I do know that the LAX boys are white, but do not know their penis sizes, so cannot comment regarding the veracity of the statements made at them.
By the way, when are you showing up on S.Alston with a pile of cash? You really are quite the hypocrite.
DurhamFood, at 5:14 PM
OK durhamfood.
Put up or shut up.
Names dates and places.
Otherwise you're just as big a liar as your buddy Mike Nifong.
And you missed the point. You're willing to call the lax team "racist shits". What epithet do you have for Kim Roberts Pitman who started the whole thing by calling them "little dick white boys". Conveniently overlooked. Where's your condemnation of her? Or are there two different standards of behavior?
maura said...
anonymous, I'll agree with you that the accuser is not innocent, in the larger sense of the word. I don't agree, though, that she doesn't suffer. I think she's suffered all her life.
When I talked about "slutty acting rape victim" I wasn't referring to Crystal Mangum. First of all, she's not a rape victim. Second of all, she's not "slutty acting", but is an actual prostitute. Or do you not understand where that "Louvre of DNA" came from. She's suffered all her life from a series of knowably bad decisions that she herself made. Too bad for her but she shouldn't be allowed to wreck other people's lives with her lies.
I feel sorry for her three children, one of whom she went out and conceived immediately after not being raped. Those are three more people who will be suffering all their lives as a consequence of her bad decisions. Seriously, where the hell is Social Services?
Anonymous, at 7:33 AM
Ok I will take the word of the crowd of people you hang around over an independent review by Coleman and the committee. Based on the character I saw displayed by the LAX 3 during the entire process I will assume that the people YOU associate with may just have a little envy running through their veins.
Keep on telling yourself they were jerks if it makes you feel better. Jealousy is not very becoming really.
Funny how the only ones in the process that look like jerks is the people who have try to bring down innocent people.
It is understandable how you and others want to hold the LAX players, ya know 18-22 year olds, to a different standard. I guess that is fair considering that white rich males are of better stock than prostitutes, angry professors, unsuccessful pot bangers, delusional DA's etc.
We definitely see who the winners and losers are now.
Anonymous, at 8:56 AM
As I said, I have no idea whether or not the boys have small penises, so I cannot comment on the veracity of the accuser's statement towards them.
And no, I will not name dates and places, as many of the incidents were not reported for various reasons and I would be betraying people's confidentiality and trust.
And yes, TR, you should trust people who actually interacted with the team over an investigative report whose purpose was to cover Duke's ass, or over your observations of the boys during the process, when they were under strict legal instruction to be on their best behavior. Dude, you're clueless.
I'm bored. Moving on...
DurhamFood, at 9:36 AM
Ah ha. So if a racial slur is accurate then it's OK. I'll make a note of that for future reference.
I'm bored. Moving on...
You can't defend your statements; running away.
Anonymous, at 10:15 AM
When I talked about "slutty acting rape victim" I wasn't referring to Crystal Mangum. First of all, she's not a rape victim. Second of all, she's not "slutty acting", but is an actual prostitute.
My mistake. Then who were you referring to? Just some random rape victim? Because now I'm confused. If you weren't talking about Crystal Magnum, I'm not sure what your point is. Do you think rape victims are slutty? Do you believe that's why women are raped? I'm just trying to suss this out, seriously.
Anonymous, at 12:59 PM
Next we'll be hearing that rape victims can't get pregnant.
Barry, at 1:05 PM
Seriously, fuck off. You think I should betray the confidence of my friends to prove a fucking point?! You really are a complete dickhead. Go fuck yourself.
DurhamFood, at 1:30 PM
In other words Durham you have shit to prove your point.
Oh you mean the same Duke that joined in on the lets bash some innocent white boys? Ya know the same Duke that had to financially settle with the young men due to their harsh, and some say illegal, treatment of them.
Do you think that if these young men were so bad that some left wing hating nut job would have found any dirt possible during the fiasco?
Your problem is you are going into the analysis with a predisposed assumption. It will never be possible for you to be objective.
How does it feel a year later to still hate a group of people who were completely innocent? Funny how the pot bangers and such look like complete asses.
Keep that world view alive and well by not letting the facts get in ya way. Do not worry there or other hate filled individuals to keep you company.
Anonymous, at 1:53 PM
Ya Durham I am clueless. I prefer to live that way instead of facing your abysmal reality.
Let see know.....Some moron thinks because a few friends tell him something that it is factually true.
Ya I am clueless alright.
You people are so predictable.
Anonymous, at 1:58 PM
I'm talking about the standard-issue loose woman who sleeps around. She's far from "innocent" yet no one I know says that she somehow "deserves" to be raped or would hold it against her afterwards.
If rape is a crime of power, the the Duke lacrosse players were sure as hell raped by the power of the local law enforcement and judicial system. (Hey Barry, it's a figure of speech. Get over it.)
Apparently the only thing "not innocent" you can identify about the Duke lacrosse players is that they are well-off white men and we all know that they somehow share the "collective guilt" for the oppression of poor downtrodden people like Crystal Mangum.
Anonymous, at 2:22 PM
I'm talking about the standard-issue loose woman who sleeps around. She's far from "innocent" yet no one I know says that she somehow "deserves" to be raped or would hold it against her afterwards.
Well, we have a different definition of what slutty is. I don't think slut is a relevant term anyway. One person's slut is another person's sexually confident woman.
I was confused because I was referring to the three accused lacrosse players, not men in general. Or even rich, white guys in general. I don't hate rich, white guys. I don't know enough of them to form an opinion. And it would be pretty arrogant of me to hate someone just because he's rich.
Apparently the only thing "not innocent" you can identify about the Duke lacrosse players is that they are well-off white men and we all know that they somehow share the "collective guilt" for the oppression of poor downtrodden people like Crystal Mangum.
Actually, I haven't said anything about why I believe they're not innocent. Nor did I say anything about collective guilt. Was that your inference because I said I think Crystal Magnum has suffered? I find it hard to believe that someone could make a false accusation like that if she hadn't suffered.
But since you asked nicely, here it is:
The LAX boys are certainly guilty of being racist shits. Something to do with a grandfather and cotton vest, remember? At least one of them admitted that one, iirc. Also, the LAX team was known around campus as a bunch of privileged brutes, quite notorious for date rapes (mostly unreported to authorities) and so on. That reputation was not undeserved.
That the accuser isn't innocent is a given, but the lack of simple legal guilt of the LAX team doesn't make them innocent either. They're guilty of being racist, homophobic, sexist little dickheads. No, that isn't a crime, but it does make me want to spit in their faces.
Credit to Durhamfood. There's no point in rewording it since he made all the points I would have made.
Not that I want to spit in their faces. I'd rather see their mothers smack them upside the head and give their asses a public chewing out.
Anonymous, at 2:55 PM
If your mother, or sister, or daughter, or wife, or fiancee, or girlfriend or just someone you know told you that she thinks she was raped while drunk but that she doesn't want to report it, would you go around blogs advertising the names, dates and places? If so, you truly are scum.
I don't jump in with assumptions. I go on what actually happened to real people that I know. Not some shit that I saw on TV, nor that I read in a report.
DurhamFood, at 4:00 PM
Um, what exactly is wrong with a woman sleeping with as many men as she damn well pleases? Does that offend your purity-ball sensibilities or what?
DurhamFood, at 4:01 PM
Wow. Something Durham and I agree upon. Women can sleep with as many men as they please. I actually welcome that myself. As long as it is not my daughter or my wife.
Anonymous, at 10:49 PM
wow, barry. your comments section is reaching digg territory. :)
libby, at 11:54 PM
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