A real note of thanks
I snarked the other day about all of my traffic coming from wingnuts whenever i post about The Worst Miscarriage of Justice in the History of the US™, but i do want to take a minute to really say thank you to all of you who have been stopping by here on a regular basis the last couple of months.
The site's traffic far exceeds anything i expected when i started writing this blog. I'm especially gratified to see that over 120 of you care enough about what i write to subscribe to the RSS feed. Most mornings, when i wake up, i have no idea what i'll be posting that day. Fortunately, as the old saying goes, we live in interesting times, the world continues to be an astounding place, and Durham an even more concentrated amalgam of that astoundingness.
Thanks again for stopping by, and come back soon.
The site's traffic far exceeds anything i expected when i started writing this blog. I'm especially gratified to see that over 120 of you care enough about what i write to subscribe to the RSS feed. Most mornings, when i wake up, i have no idea what i'll be posting that day. Fortunately, as the old saying goes, we live in interesting times, the world continues to be an astounding place, and Durham an even more concentrated amalgam of that astoundingness.
Thanks again for stopping by, and come back soon.
Labels: metablogging
A traffic accident has a high viewership too but it is still a bloody mess.
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM
You know you have hit it big when you start to pick up trolls!
Anonymous, at 5:39 PM
I read through Google reader.. not sure if each GR user counts as a seperate user or not..
Anonymous, at 7:28 PM
It IS getting interesting. And unpredictable. Nifong is claiming bankruptcy. The other defendents are blaming Nifong.
Joey, at 9:53 PM
The Nifong case is really only interesting for what it says about a certain class of people who have become convinced that they represent the most oppressed class in the history of the world. The odor of privilege (and not just privilege in the sense of having better things than most of the rest of us, but in the sense that the system is designed to protect and enhance their status, and it that goes awry, it can only be the result of a grand, terrible conspiracy against all of them) surrounding some of the folks who have squawked the loudest about "making Durham pay" is as foul as the greasy sewer leak behind the Compare Foods.
It's truly amazing to see the walls go up whenever an example of a person of lesser status who has been abused by the legal system is brought to their attention. Those folks, of course, must be guilty, or else they wouldn't have been subject to imprisonment or jail terms. But the number of lynch mobs marauding through Durham seeking out innocent Duke athletes is truly unbelievable.
Talk about the culture of victimization.
Barry, at 1:10 AM
I discovered you and the rest of the Durham bloggers around mid-last year. I've been lurking without comment for a while, but reading what you all have to say on a regular basis has raised my awareness of what's going on in my community and helped to put Durham news in some sort of context (I'm still fairly new around here). So...thanks, and I hope you keep it going for a while.
Matt, at 11:00 AM
I'm a relatively new reader. I moved to Durham just under a year ago, and as I've been trying to get knowledgeable about local matters, I've started reading Durham bloggers.
And I'm totally with you on the whole nifong/duke case. Some rich white dudes got charged with something, got lawyers, got exonerated. cry me a motherfucking river.
{ProtoDoom}, at 11:09 AM
By supporting the Duke lacrosse players when it became clear they had been falsely accused you might have created what's known as a "teachable moment" for that "certain class of people" you deride so much.
But you didn't and went the class warfare route instead. And to this day you continue to cheerlead for the people that did it. Too bad for you because no one is going to give a rat's rear end for anything you champion.
And I'm still waiting for you to point out to me a prior example where no crime was committed, there was never any evidence that a crime had been committed, and where the DA and law enforcement's behavior in falsely trying to convict three innocent men was so outrageous that the State Attorney General had to step in and the DA got disbarred and fired before he could ever get the case to trial.
Just one example. One. It's been months now. Ya got nothing.
Anonymous, at 2:43 PM
I have to say that I rarely agree with Barry's position and regularly get pissed off by his comment responses. He obviously maintains a strong viewpoint that often differs from mine. And he seems pissed off a lot. I just hate it here. I'm not kidding, this blog gets me all stressed out!!!
But I always return.
Damn, I must be either desperately masochistic or just seeking alternate views that will aid me strike balance in this crazy wonderful life. ;)
Anonymous, at 8:42 PM
It's the Mickey's Big Mouth rebus photos, isn't it?
Barry, at 9:53 PM
Don't like clicking on links, do ya, LB?
Still waiting for that full disclosure. Got any personal ties to someone that might benefit from a case against the city? Saying yes doesn't invalidate your point of view, it's just disclosure. Come on, now. You can do it.
Unknown, at 12:20 PM
And I'm still waiting for LocoBreath to point out what his parents would do if kids moved in next door and started pissing in his parent's bushes, puking on his parent's porch and throwing beer bottles at his mom and dad.
Just one little reply. One. It won't hurt. LocoBreath has been asked several times but he ducks and runs like a coward. It's been months now. No answer.
You're like a Washington chicken-hawk, all bravado and no action. Ya got nothing. Chicken.
Anonymous, at 4:06 PM
You've got it backwards. Duke's been there a lot longer. Trinity Park residents moved in next door to the kids. And I told you already but I'll remind you. My parents would have said "We screwed up and picked a predictably lousy neighborhood. We're moving."
I hope you continue to enjoy your ongoing crime wave. And it isn't the Duke students.
And except for having graduated from Duke many years ago and having lived in Durham for nine years and continuing to volunteer in Durham for an ongoing community service project, I have no ties to anyone involved, financial or otherwise. (BTW, this project requires interaction with one part of the city government and that part's just as dysfunctional as the rest of it.)
But as usual, Ragagain and his readers want to divert the discussion by making it personal. So let's do that. Hey Ragagain, what's it like to be 50 years old, have a college degree, and still have to be a renter. That really sucks for you. No wonder you're such a bitter and angry person.
Anonymous, at 7:59 AM
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