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posted by Barry at 9:34 AM Digg this
God, that's really funny. Thank you.
By Joseph H. Vilas, at 10:43 AM
Excellent!You might enjoy this corny little "Twas the Night Before Christmas (in Durham)" poem I penned this a.m.: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas (in Durham)Twas the night before Christmas,and all through the city,everything was quite dry,and that was a pity.All the citizens implored Santa,that jolly old elf,"Please send rain, for we onlyhave 20 days left."The moms and the dads, allsnuggled in bed,dreamed of long, hot showersand not 2 minute ones instead.Once Santa arrived,with his ruby red cheeks,he installed showerheads, low-flushtoilets, and fixed all the leaks.And as he departed,and flew down the lane, he said,MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALLand I'LL BE SURE TO SEND RAIN!
By Durham Bull Pen, at 4:05 PM
Welcome to the local blogosphere.
By Barry, at 4:12 PM
Thanks for the welcome. I have a lot to learn. A lot. But it's interesting and amusing.
By Durham Bull Pen, at 4:23 PM
One thing i've learned from reading InstaPundit and his ilk is that ignorance on a topic should never inhibit you from posting on that topic.
By Barry, at 5:12 PM
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Since 1949, Durhamites have slept soundly, secure in the knowledge that, in our town, erection can be depended upon. Now, thanks to the power of the internets, we can spread that security all over the world.
For such an enlightened, tolerant guy, I sure get pissed off easy. Contact: DependableErection AT gmail DOT com
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God, that's really funny. Thank you.
Joseph H. Vilas, at 10:43 AM
You might enjoy this corny little "Twas the Night Before Christmas (in Durham)" poem I penned this a.m.:
'Twas the Night Before Christmas (in Durham)
Twas the night before Christmas,
and all through the city,
everything was quite dry,
and that was a pity.
All the citizens implored Santa,
that jolly old elf,
"Please send rain, for we only
have 20 days left."
The moms and the dads, all
snuggled in bed,
dreamed of long, hot showers
and not 2 minute ones instead.
Once Santa arrived,
with his ruby red cheeks,
he installed showerheads, low-flush
toilets, and fixed all the leaks.
And as he departed,
and flew down the lane, he said,
Durham Bull Pen, at 4:05 PM
Welcome to the local blogosphere.
Barry, at 4:12 PM
Thanks for the welcome. I have a lot to learn. A lot. But it's interesting and amusing.
Durham Bull Pen, at 4:23 PM
One thing i've learned from reading InstaPundit and his ilk is that ignorance on a topic should never inhibit you from posting on that topic.
Barry, at 5:12 PM
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