More from Steve Buckley
Oh sweet Jesus, now they've done it. Boston Herald columnist Steve Buckley (see the post below) has accepted the Durham Bulls' invitation to come down on June 30 and partake of the "minor league experience" of a game against the Toledo Mud Hens.
Our boy really gets in to the spirit of the thing too:
Steve, maybe you'll be a better person for coming down to Durham and enjoying our hospitality, maybe you won't. Come down a day early and catch the free music at the Friday night Warehouse Blues series in West Village. Have a beer at a sidewalk table on one of our fine dining establishments on Main St. Shoot a game of pool at the Green Room. Buy a condo downtown for what a parking space costs up in Beantown.
Quite frankly, i don't really care what you do when you're in Durham. I'll be too busy enjoying myself.
Sorry about the Bruins, though.
Our boy really gets in to the spirit of the thing too:
That any media outlet in North Carolina would even touch this thing only hammers home the original point: With Duke having gone up in flames in the first round of the NCAA tourney, there really isn’t anything going on in Durham these days.
The Bulls would like me to enjoy a “Complete Durham Bulls Experience,” including the following: Dragging the infield with the grounds crew, working an inning as the public address announcer, working an inning as a hot dog vendor, and “sumo wrestling a local sports columnist.”
I’ll pass on that last one, owing both to a bad back and, having met many North Carolina sportswriters, my unwillingness to come away from the experience with tobacco spittle and beef jerky all over my hands.
I don’t know much about the new park in which the Bulls play, other than that there is a Blue Monster in left field and that the oversized bull that was used as a prop in “Bull Durham” is now on display on the concourse level of the new yard.
The Bulls no doubt assumed my response to their press release would be to write some kind of column ripping their team, their ballpark, their city.
They were wrong. Instead, they tricked my editor into assigning me to attend a Durham Bulls game this season.
Steve, maybe you'll be a better person for coming down to Durham and enjoying our hospitality, maybe you won't. Come down a day early and catch the free music at the Friday night Warehouse Blues series in West Village. Have a beer at a sidewalk table on one of our fine dining establishments on Main St. Shoot a game of pool at the Green Room. Buy a condo downtown for what a parking space costs up in Beantown.
Quite frankly, i don't really care what you do when you're in Durham. I'll be too busy enjoying myself.
Sorry about the Bruins, though.
Labels: Durham, Durham Bulls, idiots
His comments not only betray his Big City provincialism, but also a mindset I see in a number of sports fans: that a city, region, college, what have you, lives and dies by its sports franchises.
As a Durhamite who doesn't give a hoot about men's basketball, college or otherwise, I'm pretty busy full time with all the things that can amuse me here that don't involve sports at all: film, music, art, lectures, the outdoors, dining.
And I'd guess that Boston is full of people who don't even know who Buckley is, or give a crap about how his team fares. They're too busy enjoying what life in Boston has to offer outside of sports. You know, things like film, music, art, lectures, the outdoors, dining.
Anonymous, at 9:57 AM
Oh, cut the boy some slack. Not only is he a Yankee (which can be overcome, with therapy, remedial training, and proper medication) but he clearly wasn't brought up properly. If he equates Duke and Durham, he's already screwed.
Terry Mancour, at 9:53 AM
Dude, he writes for the Boston Herald. Let me repeat. The. Boston. Herald.
It's a perenially-almost-bankrupt tabloid rag. Most people in Boston read the Globe. Heck, the Herald's biggest recent hire was a columnist fired from the Globe for plagiarism.
I started to write a detailed and sarcastic response to Buckley over on Bull City Rising (since I lived in Boston for a good ten years) but figured, why add more grist to the mill?
Unknown, at 1:18 PM
Which makes it all the more curious that the DBulls got into the whole response thing with him.
i was originally planning to be out of town the week of the 30th. it's almost worth changing my plans to go to the game and boo him when he runs the bases against Wool E.
Barry, at 10:51 AM
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