What planet are these people from?
I mean, really? Are university administrators and defense attorneys so unlike the rest of us that they are incapable of parsing reality? At the end of an otherwise interesting Herald-Sun piece, in which a number of attorneys and retired judges give opinions about the handling of the Duke rape case, we find this gem:
Could you really find taking pictures of a bunch of strippers at your team party that incomprehensible? Don't people take pictures of, like, everything these days? Aren't camera phones so fucking ubiquitous that they ought to be outlawed? Are these people really that clueless?
(Veteran defense attorney Mark) Edwards said he was baffled by the fact that someone took photos before, during and after the alleged rape victim danced for lacrosse players.
"That's a little weird to me," Edwards added. "Why would you be taking photos if nothing happened? Were they being taken to set up a defense?"
Could you really find taking pictures of a bunch of strippers at your team party that incomprehensible? Don't people take pictures of, like, everything these days? Aren't camera phones so fucking ubiquitous that they ought to be outlawed? Are these people really that clueless?
I've been thinking similar thoughts, Barry.
How clueless is the golf coach? How do you stand up in front of your boss, your colleagues and the media and ask if you'll get protected if the players you are responsible for screw up like the lacrosse team has? And then express relief (as opposed to some embarassment at having your ignorance revealed) at finding out that the lacrosse coach had been warned and even then was only canned because the fact that one of his players was outed as a likely psychopath?
Tom Clark, at 2:06 AM
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