Barry -- congratulations. I've been out of the loop for a while. I'll probably have enough time in November to get back in, just in time to drop back out again. :)
Since 1949, Durhamites have slept soundly, secure in the knowledge that, in our town, erection can be depended upon. Now, thanks to the power of the internets, we can spread that security all over the world.
Congrats. Mazel tov.
Rob Gillespie, at 9:02 AM
I hear Durham will not be featured in the upcoming season of food Truck wars or whatever it's called.
Didn't see that coming.
Barry, at 9:16 AM
Barry -- congratulations. I've been out of the loop for a while. I'll probably have enough time in November to get back in, just in time to drop back out again. :)
Joseph H. Vilas, at 2:17 PM
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