I have my theories about why Drinking Liberally never really took off here in Durham, but that's not the point of this post.
DL founder Justin Krebs is in town tonight, reading from his new book 538 Ways to Live, Work, and Play Like a Liberal at the Regulator at 7pm.. Our friends at Traction are hosting before and after events, which you can read about on FaceBook, or find out more at the Traction site. (Note - Dain's is, i believe, closed this week. So the post-reading festivities will be up Broad Street at the Green Room.)
DL founder Justin Krebs is in town tonight, reading from his new book 538 Ways to Live, Work, and Play Like a Liberal at the Regulator at 7pm.. Our friends at Traction are hosting before and after events, which you can read about on FaceBook, or find out more at the Traction site. (Note - Dain's is, i believe, closed this week. So the post-reading festivities will be up Broad Street at the Green Room.)
Labels: Drinking Liberally
Interested in your theories regarding DL in Durham. Might be the subject of an interesting post.
Phil Bost, at 1:58 PM
I would be interested also. Durham has made incredible steps in revitalizing its core, but there seems to be another level to reach. It might just be a matter of time but your theories would be interesting.
Unknown, at 9:52 PM
Basically, it seems to me that every time i go out in Durham, i'm at Drinking Liberally. I can have a conversation with a total stranger at any bar in town, and never feel like i need to tread lightly around any political subject.
I also live in a town where socializing with my neighbors is not unusual; in fact my wife has asked to spend an evening in next week because we don't do that enough.
So at least for me, most of the needs that DL fulfills for people in other communities are already being met. I got the impression that's the case for a lot of the people who tried DL in the 18 months or so that we kept it going.
Justin did not disagree with that assessment when we chatted tonight.
Barry, at 10:46 PM
I wouldn't disagree with you or Justin, either. Drinking Liberally is a bit less necessary in a town where liberally drinking is the norm. But yet, I'm still glad for any excuse to hang and talk with my fellow politically minded Durhamites. But I can choose any number of weekly activities to do so. We are, dare I say it, blessed with options for chatting with like-minded individuals. The irony that this is easier to do in Durham than in Boston, my last city of origin, is never lost on me.
Rebecca Gomez Farrell, at 12:26 AM
Parallel: your Shooting the Bull interview with Scott Harmon in which you pondered, "why are there no/few gay bars in Durham?"
Marsosudiro, at 9:35 AM
'xactly. That was the remark that got me thinking along those lines.
Referenced that in conversation more than once last night.
Barry, at 9:45 AM
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