And yet you've reminded me of the opposite lyrics in She's So Cold:
I have an ex-girlfriend whose name was "Liquid Night" -- short for "Liquid Nitrogen -- because, well, you get the idea. She's gotten better over the years but still mourns the loss of youth's opportunities.
Since 1949, Durhamites have slept soundly, secure in the knowledge that, in our town, erection can be depended upon. Now, thanks to the power of the internets, we can spread that security all over the world.
And yet you've reminded me of the opposite lyrics in She's So Cold:
I have an ex-girlfriend whose name was "Liquid Night" -- short for "Liquid Nitrogen -- because, well, you get the idea. She's gotten better over the years but still mourns the loss of youth's opportunities.
Marsosudiro, at 2:18 AM
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