In my experience turnout is spotty. I went a few weeks before the election and no one showed up, though I ran into Celeste from Traction later and she said that was rare.
If you want to hang with some real liberals (or you like lost causes) you should come to the libertarian meetup on Tuesdays at Sat's; has details.
Since 1949, Durhamites have slept soundly, secure in the knowledge that, in our town, erection can be depended upon. Now, thanks to the power of the internets, we can spread that security all over the world.
I didn't know DL met in Durham. Is this a new group? How many people typically show up?
katiem, at 7:33 PM
In my experience turnout is spotty. I went a few weeks before the election and no one showed up, though I ran into Celeste from Traction later and she said that was rare.
If you want to hang with some real liberals (or you like lost causes) you should come to the libertarian meetup on Tuesdays at Sat's; has details.
KeepDurhamDifferent!, at 9:16 PM
Hey - no blogjacking!
We get between half a dozen and a dozen folks most nights, but we're going to start making a push to expand attendance after the holidays.
Barry, at 9:53 PM
trust me, I'm sure you don't want the types that would come to the DCLP meetup! too many anarchists for the DL crowd.
KeepDurhamDifferent!, at 9:29 AM
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