"Alleged victims"
I suppose the "alleged victims" were concerned that a rag-tag band of Democratic Party activists was going to seek them out and hold them in captivity while reading all 375 resolutions that were presented at the recent county convention to them until they screamed for mercy. Either that or Satan is really a whole lot more influential than i imagined up until a few days ago.
Last week i was saying privately that the DA's office must be desperately trying to get Johnson and Joseph Craig to cop a plea. There's no way this case is going to trial. Based on this newest development, i think August 21 is a good over/under date for the dismissal of charges. Certainly by Labor Day.
Here's a question for you media savvy types. I'm hearing that last week, when Diana Palmer turned herself in, it just so happened that TV crews and reporters were waiting at the courthouse. How do you suppose they knew?
A $270,000 bond for former county Democratic Party third vice chairwoman Joy Suzanne Johnson was reduced Monday to $220,000, and a prosecutor revealed that two alleged victims in a kidnapping-rape-assault case against Johnson and her husband have left town "for their own safety" and are out of contact with the District Attorney's Office.
It also was revealed Monday that the alleged victims are a 19-year-old man and a 44-year-old woman.
I suppose the "alleged victims" were concerned that a rag-tag band of Democratic Party activists was going to seek them out and hold them in captivity while reading all 375 resolutions that were presented at the recent county convention to them until they screamed for mercy. Either that or Satan is really a whole lot more influential than i imagined up until a few days ago.
Last week i was saying privately that the DA's office must be desperately trying to get Johnson and Joseph Craig to cop a plea. There's no way this case is going to trial. Based on this newest development, i think August 21 is a good over/under date for the dismissal of charges. Certainly by Labor Day.
Here's a question for you media savvy types. I'm hearing that last week, when Diana Palmer turned herself in, it just so happened that TV crews and reporters were waiting at the courthouse. How do you suppose they knew?
Labels: Durham, local crime
If this is some clever scheme to discredit local Democrats, it's not a very effective one. People who don't like Dems in Durham already believe we're a bunch of, well, you know.
AND if you feel like I do that this story so far is (emph on "so far") pathetic, sad, oddly humorous and full of holes (no pun intended), then I'd guess the intended effect is not working. However, it does eliminate these folks from office (for a while? a long while? forever?)...and maybe that was all of it.
I'm dying to know how you could be victimized sporadically from December to May and then suddenly realize you should call the cops? I'm not suggesting this didn't happen, just wondering how.
The TV crew may have already been in the area, or did what they did back when I worked at a TV station--heard about it on police band radio.
Tony, at 12:04 AM
That's not the story that i'm hearing.
Barry, at 8:04 AM
Probably the same way the media found out about the DNA NTO for the Duke lacrosse team. Someone from Durham law enforcement tipped off the media to create a photo op. Did they lock the doors again this time so she had to stand around outside for maximum photographic availability?
It's pretty much LE SOP to tip off the media so they can catch the "perp" walk.
I'm dying to know how you could be victimized sporadically from December to May and then suddenly realize you should call the cops?
Just as a strict hypothetical, it could be the crimes didn't actually occur until recently. Rape victims have been known to wait quite a while before coming forward. Doesn't make it any less a rape.
Unknown, at 2:42 PM
Why hypothesize?
"The crimes are said to have occurred in December, January and May."
News & Observer:
During a separate interview, a woman told Guardino she moved into the home in December. She suffered hand and foot injuries in May after being beaten with the cane, the warrant said.
"Johnson held [the woman's] hands down as Craig beat her with the cane," the warrant said.
That same month, the woman said she was raped on the living room floor "while Johnson sat on the couch looking on."
Barry, at 4:00 PM
Why hypothesize?
Why quote anything as fact based on reports in the H&O and H-S as transmitted from the DPD? Didn't we learn that lesson already?
And even if the crimes did occur over a period of time in the past, as I said, sometimes people wait a while before deciding to report. It doesn't make the crimes less criminal. Women stay with and don't report on their abusive husbands all the time.
If there were crimes. This is pretty much wait and see what happens situation. I'm not believing anyone at this point.
Unknown, at 4:13 PM
Let me help you with your reading comprehension skills. The quotes in the N&O are taken from the documents submitted to the court by the police in requesting a search warrant. They are considered to be an accurate trascription of the evidence presented by the "alleged victims" to the police, and, presumably, accepted as such by the judge who authorized the issuance of the search warrant.
One would expect that the "alleged victims" are prepared to testify, in court and under oath, to the same statements.
Presuming, of course, they can be found before the case goes to trial, if it ever does.
You can be sure that if these same allegations had been made against people other than Democratic party officials and supposed "satanists" that people like yourself would be screaming as loudly as you did two years ago about the "railroad job" being perpetrated by the Durham DA's office, and the "lynch mob" in the press, in the letters to the editor, and in the comments of many meida outlets, which, as of last week, had already convicted both Johnson and Craig of crimes to horrible to discuss in polite company.
If there's one thing i really can't stand, it's fucking hypocrisy. Including yours.
Barry, at 4:26 PM
The quotes in the N&O are taken from the documents submitted to the court by the police in requesting a search warrant. They are considered to be an accurate trascription of the evidence presented by the "alleged victims" to the police, and, presumably, accepted as such by the judge who authorized the issuance of the search warrant.
Let me help you with your memory skills. In Durham, in March 2006, that process completely used up its line of credit. Right now I'm saying I don't believe the cops and I don't believe the accused. If the charges don't have merit, maybe they'll get it right this time and not proceed. But since you seem to be unable to figure it out, until we have more information, that puts me on the side of the accused are Innocent Until Proven Guilty.
Go back and read your own blog from March 06.
The recent crimes alleged against the Duke University lacrosse team, are finally, after nearly two weeks, starting to register on the national news. ESPN, NY Times, CBS News, and NPR are among the national outlets covering the story. [Ragin cheerleads for inflammatory press coverage]
Here in Durham it's possible to examine the case on its merits [who are you kidding?] and meaning for our community, without the pressure of synechdoche [sic] to have this act stand for all class, gender, and race relations throughout the entire country.
Regardless of how long it takes DA Nifong to decide whether or not to bring charges, University President Richard Brodhead and Athletic Director Joe Alleva have enough information to make the right decision. Shut down the season, forfeit the schedule, suspend the captains, and fire the coach. If it turns out the allegations of rape and assault have merit, the entire team needs to be looking elsewhere for their educational opportunities. And the lacrosse program needs to take a couple of years off to reexamine its purpose.
On March 30, you you were calling for the entire lacrosse program to be dismantled.
I will stop short of calling for the Durham Dem establishment to be dismantled. I will stop short of calling for a DNA test for every Durham Dem official who may have been in that house during the time in question. I'm also hoping that Ruth Shehan will not write a column accusing the Durham Dem establishment of perpetrating a coverup (which is apparently what Diana Palmer is being charged with - accessory after the fact). "You know, we know you know."
Who's the hypocrite? That shoe on the other foot's pinching a bit isn't it?
Unknown, at 6:54 AM
So - we agree that the police in this case have even less evidence that a crime was committed than they did two years ago?
Barry, at 8:44 AM
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