Civics 101
Seems some of the good folks of San Francisco have decided to start honoring the legacy of President George W. Bush as soon as he leaves office:
What Durham landmarks or public works projects do you think would be appropriately renamed in George Bush's honor?
As we near the end of George W Bush’s presidency, we think it is important to select a fitting monument to this president’s work. On matters ranging from foreign relations to fiscal and environmental stewardship, no other president in American history has accomplished so much in such a short time.
To honor George W Bush for his eight years of honorable public service, the Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco is sponsoring a ballot initiative this November.
It reads…
Should The City And County of San Francisco Rename The Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant the George W Bush Sewage Plant?
We believe this is an appropriate honor for a truly unique president. If you think so too, join this grassroots movement to rename this important and iconic landmark in his honor.
What Durham landmarks or public works projects do you think would be appropriately renamed in George Bush's honor?
Labels: George Bush
The Landfill.
MK, at 3:35 PM
The yard waste pile. You know, the one that was on fire? Think of it as Holy Smoke. Wafting across the detritus of our Amercan Way Of Life.
katuah, at 11:05 AM
I was thinking about all those yard waste trucks the city spent 3 million bucks on. You know, the ones we aren't going to be using now that we don't have a comprehensive yard waste program.
Or maybe the Avondale Dr. bus stop nearest my house.
Barry, at 11:46 AM
you know they don't actually HAVE any yard waste carts? I tried to order one but was told that I couldn't. Maybe in July I could call back and see if they knew what was happening- so I was told.
I want to name the creek that is full of stoves, bottles, mattresses, oil cans, and all kinds of other pleasant things after that tool.
Natalie, at 12:05 PM
Really? According to the city's website, the new budget says "New yard waste collection customers will be charged a $1.50 rental fee for carts, with a maximum of four carts per household."
Hope they get a shipment soon. I assume that's a buck fifty per month per cart, or 18 dollars a year. If it's a buck fifty a year, i want to sell my cart back to the city and get my 40 dollar refund.
Barry, at 1:03 PM
"The George W. Bush Prisonview Performing Arts Center"
hovercraft, at 3:57 PM
A. The George W Bush County Jail
B. The George W Bush Moneypit Civic Center
Todd, at 9:13 PM
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