Obama picks up two NC "superdelegates"
From the N&O's Under the Dome:
Obama now leads Clinton in NC superdelegates 6-1, with 14 more who are uncommitted. Hillary's road got that much harder, and this isn't going to endear her to a lot of Democrats, either.
U.S. Reps. David Price and Mel Watt will endorse Barack Obama.
The two Democratic superdelegates are slated to announce that they are backing Obama in a conference call at 1:15 this afternoon, Dome has learned.
In recent weeks, both had said they would make an endorsement before the state's May 6 primary, but they had kept their preference private.
The two are influential in state politics. Price, often called the dean of the state delegation, is a political science professor who helped design the superdelegate system while working for a national commission led by former Gov. Jim Hunt.
Watt, who served as campaign manager for Harvey Gantt's race against U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms, had previously expressed doubt that America is ready for a black president. He is the former head of the Congressional Black Caucus.
Obama now leads Clinton in NC superdelegates 6-1, with 14 more who are uncommitted. Hillary's road got that much harder, and this isn't going to endear her to a lot of Democrats, either.
Labels: 2008 elections, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton
Last night I saw a lovely Clinton ad in which a little old lady speaks at one of her rallies uninterrupted for a few minutes. It was a beautiful advertisement.
She's not running negative ads on broadcast in NC from what I have seen. Much better to me than the obama ads I've seen of late.
Natalie, at 5:37 PM
The TPM article is a tad disingenuous.
The headline is "Hillary TV Ad Campaign Is Now 100% Negative In Most Pennsylvania Markets", but the article goes on to say that the Phila/Harisburg market is at 50% negative and makes up more than half of the PA market.
The author even explicitly admits that his headline is misleading in the article "Nearly half the state's households are right now seeing only the "small town" spot, and the remaining half are seeing her economy spot and the oil spot hitting Obama, the buyer says."
Unknown, at 6:00 PM
i think TPM has caught so much shit for being "pro-Hillary" over the past month that it's starting to affect them.
Barry, at 6:26 PM
I finally got my automated phone call from Obama tonight, reminding us about One-Stop Voting. Woo-hoo! The message said if we weren't already registered, we could register and vote at the same time. I don't know how true that is, but that would make the term 'One-Stop' kind of logical...
Unknown, at 11:10 PM
if you are not registered, you can register and vote at the same time at the BoE on Corporation Street between now and May 3rd. Same day registration ends on May3.
Details here.
Barry, at 11:21 PM
Good info! Thanks!
Unknown, at 11:24 PM
I saw the little old lady ad too, and thought it was great. It was one of the few things out of the Clinton campaign over the past three weeks that hasn't made me want to scream.
Unknown, at 11:38 AM
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