Wait till LieStoppers hears about this case
I'm sure they'll be all over it like a bum on a bologna sandwich.
A Durham law instructor and the Durham-based North Carolina chapter of the NAACP are riled up over the plight of a young Wilson man, who was locked up for more than three years on homicide, rape and kidnapping charges that finally were dropped last month for lack of evidence.
Labels: injustice
Oh yea the ever faithful racist pig hypocrites Jerry Curl don't get to close to the fire Rev. Barber and his ignorant of the law side kick Joyner. These are the same two fools that tried to prop up the Duke LAX case until the bitter end.
I do not give much credibility to racist groups like the NCNAACP. Maybe if you did some research about the false information they placed on their website you would see what I am talking about. But hey who cares rich white males are not part of the protect classes now are they? Here is an organization that always demands innocent until proven guilty. Why such the 180 in the LAX case? Racist pigs that is why.
I am not sure if the young black male is innocent (From what I have read he may have participated in the murder but we do know he admitted to helping clean up after the rape and murder. I guess unless you are black with a bigoted organization behind you that would be accessory after the fact.) as these racist pigs claim because once race is involved these double standard folks cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
Was there any "tolerant" lynch mob banging cooking utensils in front of his home? Was there any lynch mob racist forum held at a historically white university? Did the wonderful professors take out an ad in the local paper? The list goes on how different the two cases are. The big glaring difference is there was actually a rape and murder.
Get back to me when you can find one modern day case with the same elements as the LAX case but the race roles reversed. The closest that comes to my mind was Kobe's situation but still nothing like the Duke LAX case.
Cannot wait to see the large sums of money and embarrassment that Durham is going to face.
Anonymous, at 5:08 PM
"Oh yea the ever faithful racist pig hypocrites Jerry Curl don't get to close to the fire Rev. Barber and his ignorant of the law side kick Joyner."
Anonymous, at 7:35 PM
You mean like Jesse Jackson paying for Crystal Mangum's college?
And don't you think more Liestoppers would help with cases like these, instead of having a Karl Marx orgasm all over the ones we already have?
Anonymous, at 11:58 PM
The color lines and political ideologies were drawn in the LAX case. Unless the NCNAACP wants to help all innocent defendents I will stick to the us versus them mentality that they follow.
And until someone can show me a modern day case where someone in the protected classes is being prosecuted due to their race, sex and class I see no need to try and compare any case to the LAX injustice.
Anonymous, at 7:57 AM
Um, the color lines were drawn when some white people decided to go buy some black people from some mid-color people rather a long time ago.
If you're going to 'stick to the us vs them mentality' from the LAX case, how can you blame those who choose to see things with a little more historical perspective?
Looking further back than two years ago may help you understand some of that anger. Go read a book or something.
DurhamFood, at 9:35 AM
Holy shit, you actually said that?!
Anonymous, at 10:14 AM
So MLK had it all wrong I take it. Let's judge people by the color of their skin not their character? Is that what Durhamfood is advocating?
I think I will stick to treating people according to their individual character.
Also, how far back in history can we go to hold grudges? Do we stop at the point of slave importation?
Should I go back only 10-20 years and hold all blacks accountable for the high white on black crime rate?
See DOJ stats for this conclusion.
Anonymous, at 11:05 AM
You're the one who talked about color lines. If you support Durham paying those kids a pile of cash, I suppose you support reparations for slavery too?
If we can't go back 20, or 200 years, why can we go back two years?
Of course, you'll say that slavery was made up for by ending it, then by the civil rights act. But then, wasn't the LAX case ended by the dismissal of the case?
One should judge by the content of character. For example, slave traders had some fascinating morals.
DurhamFood, at 11:20 AM
Looks like, once again, the Jerry Curl Prince and let's bend the law based on the color Joyner are wrong.
Johnson has been indicted. Looks like he may not be as innocent as these two are saying. Unless we have proof that the folks making the decision to indict have been mislead there must have been some evidence to point toward this young man.
Anonymous, at 11:34 AM
So you're saying that DA's and grand juries should always be given the benefit of the doubt and that we should assume purity of motive and tactic?
Or is that only if the indictee is not on the Duke lacrosse team?
Barry, at 11:36 AM
Sorry I did not draw the line. That would be the Gerry Curl Prince, misfit pot bangers and the NCCU forum racist.
I know the LAX players are not your first choice for victim class but do treat them the same will ya.
Yes I have no problem paying the money that is going to be awarded to these young men. It is the price you pay for living in a county with sexist and racist voters.
I tend to stay clear of crimes and such but when shit happens in my back yard I tend to perk up.
Is there any slaves alive today that we can reimburse for their troubles? You know blacks are not the only class to be enslaved don't ya? Are is it just whites that can be held accountable? Should the tribes that captured the slaves pay any price?
Considering the condition the African landscape is in I would say slavery was a well paid price to be in such a great country that someone in poverty tends to have a TV, cell phone, microwave etc.
If people are unhappy here I will be glad to purchase them a ticked back to Africa to put them back were they started. Make them whole I guess is how the court sees it.
Anonymous, at 12:36 PM
Oh course that is what I am saying Barry. Until the evidence starts alerting me to the contrary I tend to trust people. I also tend to go by past experience and statistical data. Like the LAX case it is virtual unheard of for whites to rape blacks (I do not even like typing it but that is the stats) and even less likely in a gang rape situation.
Also, there is no grand standing, lynch mob or an election. So I do not see the DA having an agenda.
It also kinda helps that Johnson admitted to cleaning his prints off of the perpetrators vehicle.
I do think they should go lightly on the guy due to his cooperation but we cannot start letting criminals go just because racist pigs like Rev Barb play the race card.
Anonymous, at 12:45 PM
"Send them back to Africa"
"I'm not racist"
'nuff said.
DurhamFood, at 2:03 PM
Barry, at 2:19 PM
Well Durhamfood did I say all blacks? If the objective of the court system is to make someone whole and the individual is not happy with the American way of life what do you suggest?
And if wanting people who are unhappy here to be returned to their mother land makes me racist....I guess I am guilty as charged. Their are plenty of people who would dye to be in this country. I would rather have them then unhappy people being held against their will.
I tend to view bigots and racist people who treat others differently based on their race. You know like the pot banger misfits and the Jerry Curl Barber.
Would these people have conducted themselves in such a manner if the race roles were reversed? See how that makes them racist hypocrites?
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM
Dude, i'm going to be as polite and sincere as i know how to be.
You really are embarassing yourself.
Take a few deep breaths and go walk around east campus and enjoy the sunshine for a while. Try not to think about jheri-curls, and for fuck's sake avoid fantasizing about black-on-white rape.
Come back tomorrow. I'm sure i'll have some new outrage posted to get your blood pressure back up into unhealthful levels.
But for now, i'd feel really, really bad if i were to read about you having a stroke as a result of all this.
Barry, at 3:18 PM
No making a fool of myself would be giving the NCNAACP a platform. This group has no credibility left.
Anonymous, at 4:31 PM
I suggest you head to their headquarters with a large pile of cash and try to give them money to fly to Africa. Let's see what happens. Tell me when you're going to do this, so that I can bring popcorn, k?
DurhamFood, at 4:40 PM
Naw. That would be like a death trap. I know what group of people I can logically have a racial discussion with and it is surely not the hate filled NCNAACP.
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM
I doubt it, actually. They'll probably either kick you out or laugh at you, nothing more.
However, since you are so terrified of the very same group that struggled non-violently for their civil rights, let's lower the stakes: Go hang out on, say, South Alston, pick a random set of African-Americans and offer them money to go back to Africa. I mean, they can't all be 'hate-filled', can they?
Again, invite me along, please. I promise I'll still bring popcorn and enjoy the discussion.
I'm sure Barry will volunteer to bring some beer or something. You up for it, Barry?
DurhamFood, at 5:55 PM
Not me, man. We'd probably get lynched.
Or raped.
Barry, at 6:02 PM
I actually think we'd be eaten by dragons, but hell, I'm willing to risk it to see this shit go down...
DurhamFood, at 6:10 PM
And the KKK started out as a group to resist the reconstruction.
Who said the NAACP did not serve a purpose in past history? Can we bring ourselves to modern times please.
Please explain to me the complete 180 turn the NCNAACP did regarding the LAX case. I will give you some help. The boys were white and the prostitute was black. That should help.
Organizations change, societies change....The NCNAACP is nothing but a racially motivated organization. Their time has come and gone.
Join the rest of America in the 21st century if you can.
Anonymous, at 9:15 PM
So, you coming to hang out on S. Alston and give some cash out?
DurhamFood, at 9:56 PM
As a teenager I lived in what use to be called Hardee St apartments (around 1982). At the time I was among approximately 2-3 white teenagers in the entire complex. I really enjoyed being the minority. Never had a problem, never felt in danger and never really felt any open racism. Funny how kids can just get along when adults are not forcing color this and color that down our freaking throats.
Many of nights were spent walking around Wellons Village and the downtown area. Never once did we encounter any problems.
However, due to cultural changes and the continuing erosion of personal accountability the good folks in the inner city have to live in fear. Now is that fair? Shouldn't honest hard working blacks be able to feel save in their community.
Until the NCNAACP and the black leaders realize that they, and only they, can solve their inner city problems expect more black on black crime and the good citizens being robbed at gun point. Rev. Whitlock (not sure if that is his name) in the East Durham area seems to be catching on. Rev Barb is to busy trying to railroad innocent whites and freeing possible black criminals. Barb lives in a us versus them mentality so he will never get the fact that good people are good people and us good people all have a desire to feel safe in our community no matter what color we happen to be.
We know all the hard working inner city folks, and god bless them (not much of a religious guy but that is about the most appropriate phrase), are not happy living in fear but it is a price to pay until there are more Bill Cosby's to put truth to power. But see this would be the death of white guilt and that is not something the black leaders want to relinquish at this time. It is to profitable and easier than actually looking in the mirror.
I will go and hang out with you in any area of Durham you like. Just let more get a concealed and carry gun permit. I am seriously thinking of applying for a gun license with all this talk on the TP website about armed robberies and such.
Not a big fan of guns but I am a less of a fan of my family being in danger.
Anonymous, at 8:43 AM
Looks like i won't be hanging out in Watts-Hillandale any more either:
The second incident was reported at 9:40 p.m. Saturday and involved a 64-year-old man who was jogging on Woodrow Street near Oval Drive, police said.
The jogger was running when a man wearing dark clothing and either a mask or a scarf over his face approached him, pointed a metal object at him and demanded money.
The victim did not have money and the suspect struck him in the face with the metal object.
The suspect, described as a white male, 35-40, 5 feet 7 inches to 5 feet 8 inches tall and 180-190 pounds, chased the victim on foot and struck him again before fleeing.
Barry, at 10:03 AM
Man I just have to make some drastic changes in my life.
Changed party affiliation to unaffiliated....Done
Apply for gun permit. More specifically whatever weapon permit will allow me to carry my gun on my side for the low life crooks to see. Man will I look funny walking around TP with a gun strapped to my side while wearing shorts? Maybe a new trend in Durham will be started.
Anonymous, at 11:34 AM
Now here's a classic of urban geography:
"However, due to cultural changes and the continuing erosion of personal accountability the good folks in the inner city have to live in fear."
Yep, that's what did it all in. The erosion of personal accountability, and cultural changes. Nothing whatsoever to do with urban disinvestment, the collapse of the American manufacturing sector, wage stagnation and regression, redlining, predatory lending practices, credit discrimination, or white flight. Nope. Just "cultural changes."
Unknown, at 2:17 PM
What about the illegal immigrants taking jobs?
Predator lending. Haha. Programs designed to help unqualified consumers obtain loans is now predatory lending. You would be the first to cry racism if the loan institutions denied the loans.
Did the loan officers place a gun too the applicants head? Are you saying blacks do not have the ability to understand loan contracts or ARMs?
When does a black man have to stand on his own two feet? See unlike you I do not think blacks are that helpless. But if the white guilt gets ya keep spouting your foolish mantras.
Poor poor blacks they are so helpless. That is subtle racism for ya.
Anonymous, at 4:22 PM
Go look at the ads for sub-prime loans. They all feature black people. Compare those to ads for regular loans. Do you somehow think the differences in audience are coincidences? Yes, all people can make choices, but targeted high-pressure ad campaigns strongly influence those choices. If all people were entirely rational, there would be no need for advertising.
When you are told constantly that you need to spend, there is massive pressure on you to take out loans. Of course no one holds guns to peoples' heads forcing them to take loans, but there are other forms of coercion, not just physical ones.
High-interest, high-pressure loans badly affect those least able to pay them back - poor people. Poverty is more prevalent in black communities than in white communities (in most areas of the country), hence those loans disproportionately affect black people. It's nothing to do with an individual's ability to stand on their own two feet.
By the way, when are we meeting and how much cash are you planning to bring to hand out to those people who want to 'go back to Africa'? I'd like to know how much popcorn to bring. Thanks.
DurhamFood, at 4:50 PM
And who even said I was talking about sub-prime home loans?
I was talking about check cashing stores, myself.
Sheesh. Amazing how far a little ignorance can go.
Unknown, at 5:50 PM
I know blacks are so helpless. You people have very little hope for them.
Check cashing. Once again did someone place a gun to anyones head? Who is at fault for using check cashing places and not opening bank accounts? Are they not allowing poor people or minorities to open a bank account?
Here is an idea. Take your hard earn money, move to the area of Durham that you feel is a victim community and open up loan offices and consumer friendly (low interest. Thought I would explain that to you due to you seem to not understand free market capitalism) check cashing places. See how long those business models will work. Kinda like that belly up loan program implemented by the city a couple of years ago. That really worked out well.
In a free market society if a business is making abnormal profits then competition will crank up causing the profit margins to drastically reduce. Do you think these so called predator lenders are making abnormal profits on foreclosed loans? Just by the sheer volume of foreclosed loans the banks were definitely correct in charging them higher rates. The greater the risk the higher the rate. At least the bank assessed the risk in the right direction but apparently they did not gain the insight into how risky.
Don't worry ya buddy Jackson is on the case in Baltimore.
I have not seen a credit report in a while, since ya know living in TP and paying cash for everything, is there a race distinction on the three credit rating bureaus?
Another insight into my back ground. Raised by a single 9th grade educated mother with 3 kids (Only received minimum child support for 1 kid). We lived in a home for a while but eventually had to move into a mobile home. My mother never visited a pawn shop or check cashing place. She never filed bankruptcy. She did have a large amount of credit card debt but she always owned (except for the time she shacked up with the maintenance man at Hardee St apartments) what residence we were residing. At times she worked 3 jobs to pay the bills. She always had a savings account and a checking account. Life ain't fair but you deal with the lot given you and you make the best of it. Not once did I hear my mother blame anyone on her situation. She was a product of all her decisions and she knew that and made the freaking best of it. I at times tried to convince my mother to file bankruptcy but she had too much pride. Something that seems lacking in todays society.
So forgive me for not give an once about someones plight when what my mother had to work with. She did it and so can anyone else.
Pitiful pitiful me is the new American mantra. It is so sickening.
Anonymous, at 7:04 PM
Yes, that's what's missing in today's society - pride. You know, the KKK are very proud people. We definitely need them to come back strong...
Dude, you may understand a little economics (and yes, it is a little...), but you certainly have no understanding whatsoever of sociology or mass-psychology and certainly no understanding whatsoever of history. Again, go read a book or two.
Also, let's see you back up your "If people are unhappy here I will be glad to purchase them a ticked [sp] back to Africa to put them back were they started." Let's see some cash. You sticking by your words or what?
DurhamFood, at 10:23 PM
Just because someone does not buy your tired and worn out mantras regarding the blight of inner city communities you seem to assume they are clueless.
I will believe an individual from Duke with a PhD in the area of sociology over some bleeding heart lets blame whitey for everything. Good friend of mine that broke away from the Ivy Tower delusional crowd because he could not take the reliance on emotions and no empirical data. Just like the Gang of 88 and the pot bangers you seem to start out with a conclusion and then want to make the world out to be as it is not.
So if it makes you feel good blame everyone else for the plight of some inner city communities. However, I want to give the inner city community more credit than you do. I know they can solve there own problems and are not helpless.
If nothing is the fault of inner city communities who is to blame for low income white communities? Or low income black communities in rural areas? What did society do to my mother to cause her to make poor choices? She never mentioned decisions being made without her will. Why didn't I make poor choices or fall for the zombie like societal pressure and advertising that should have made me make bad choices?
Do you think there is a correlation between little value for education and being chastised by your peers for "acting white" if you do value education? Do you think the "no snitch" rule helps the inner city communities? Do you think above 65% single mother births helps a community? (Not that I buy into the marriage solves all problems debate but having two incomes and two stable parents does seem to offer a bit more).
I mean the list goes on. I guess these are all the fault of other people.
Once again if you feel such a need to help why not take your hard earned money (like the check cashing owners do)and open a consumer friendly check cashing business or offer loans at low rates to high risk consumers. See how long one of these businesses stay afloat.
Do you think the banks loaned these people money so they could foreclose on the property in the future? Did you know that it approximately cost a lending institution $50K per foreclosed home? The banks had no ill intentions. Just like any publicly trade company they were beholden to the stockholders, which are losing in this affair also, to make a profit.
But no need to blame anyone else for the stockholders bad choices. They are not seen as helpless are they?
Anonymous, at 8:34 AM
You seem to have no understanding whatsoever of the psychology of communities. Mass behavior is more than the sum of its parts. The idea that the whole society can be understood by looking merely at the actions of all individuals has been long discredited.
People make bad decisions all the time, regardless of the color of their skin. However, a bad decision will have greater impact when you are poor. In urban areas of the US, at least, one is more likely to be poor if one is black. What exactly don't you get about that argument?
Honestly, the race issue is secondary here. The class issue is what's important. The impact on the LAX players' lives will, all-in-all, be minimal, certainly in financial terms. The claim that their lives were 'destroyed' is clearly nonsensical, as is the claim that they were 'lynched'. They were able to run back to their rich mummies and daddies and be absolutely fine.
I'll make you a bet: if any of them is making less than $50,000 a year ten years from now, I'll buy you dinner wherever you like. Ditto the other way around. OK? Same if any of them ends up, say, in a psychiatric hospital due to problems caused by the trauma of this case.
Anyway. I've had quite enough of responding to your ignorant crap. You're boring and boorish. Get a life.
DurhamFood, at 9:38 AM
Yea great debaters always win with name calling. Way to go winner.
I never said the LAX players would not be fine or make a nice salary (they are intelligent Duke students that have worked very hard since birth to achieve great things)but by your tone I can tell you apparently loath and envy rich people. I found it best to worry about my situation and not become wrapped up with who has more. It seems to allow me to focus on my ability to become wealthy thus passing along the great advantages of such to my offspring.
I would not say the LAX players will ever be whole due to the fact that some idiots still think they may have raped that prostitute and some people still hate them because they had, god forbid, the desire to fight the charges. (here is were you accuse me of stating you believe that they are not innocent and such)
Funny how your tone is belittling but the only people in the fiasco to tell the truth was......oh those rich white males.
Also, why do you belittle someone for having rich parents that do not want to see their innocent kids placed in jail?
I guess it is a sin for kids to have rich parents that actually make positive decisions and work smart to build financial wealth.
Seems you would rather have all folks make idiotic decisions and cry "poor poor me what can the government do to reconcile my piss poor behavior."
You go back to bitching about how the world is not fair and I will continue to focus on my abilities and how I can better provide for my family so my kids will have all the advantages of my positive decisions.
Considering the rich pay the largest percentage of the taxes you may want to rethink your hatred for them due to the fact that if it was not for them all these government programs would not come to fruition. Damn those rich people for working smart and making those positive contributions to society.
By the way how are those business models coming along. I give you maybe a year until you run out of money.
Lets see some more name calling.
Anonymous, at 11:46 AM
I will make a bet with you:
If any of them is making less than $200K in the next 5 years I will buy you dinner. Hell one already has a job making in the 6 figures. And really $200k a year is not a lot of money so I feel pretty confident in my odds.
Heck they will probably me making over $400k on the interest alone from what Duke (Duke has already paid once) and Durham stands to pay them.
Anonymous, at 11:52 AM
Well aside from one correction (the rich often do not pay the largest proportion of taxes -- they have the highest tax rate but also the most tax shelters available to them), I just have to say that this was quite impressive, TrinityRez. The line of straw men you've gone after have been utterly decimated.
Spending all of my text trying to spit out all of the words and positions you're shoving into the mouths of the "tolerance" crowd, which I seem to find myself siding with, gets old. (And yes, I realize that a lot of what you were saying was directed at DurhamFood, a nice chap but one with whom I have substantial differences in political philosophy, but you didn't need his prompting to fly off the handle at a much larger set, it seems.)
There are plenty of conversations worth having here, but you seem less interested in having them than simply seeking out new ground upon which to go after some rather large sets with whom you seem to dislike, which continues to drag us off topic even further. (The original topic, of course, was how the flamboyant rhetoric of LieStoppers and others is out of proportion with the scope of the case.)
If you want to get it on about urban geography, sociology, economics, political philosophy, or any other topic, for that matter, you can find me at my blog (http://bullinfull.typepad.com/bif/), or I'll join you at any other online forum you'd care to invite me to. The time has come to stop screeding up Barry's blog, though. You want a debate, you can have one.
Come get some.
Unknown, at 1:57 PM
What, and lose all those page views?
Barry, at 2:03 PM
Hmmm. Do you think blogger will accept 15,000 line comments?
Unknown, at 3:22 PM
I'm a 'nice chap', eh? C'mere, le's 'av i' wi' ya ;)
DurhamFood, at 4:34 PM
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