Dependable Erection

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Paging Solid Waste Dep't

Give the man a new trash can. Stop acting like fools.

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  • It took me four months and countless phone calls to get a new recycling bin after one of the city's automated trash trucks crushed mine (the recycling collectors often leave the empty bin on the street, in front of the garbage can).

    I was told repeatedly that a new recycling bin had been delivered to my home and that I would be charged for any "additional" bins.

    They really should change the name to " Durham 9 calls."

    By Blogger Dan S., at 9:45 AM  

  • Well, doggone it, I want a new can too! I called for one about 4 months ago to replace the 9 year old can with the two large raccoon size holes in the bottom. Still waiting!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:58 AM  

  • I gave up after (I think) 9 months. I'd called more than once, and the last time was told they were out of garbage cans. Then a neighbor moved into the other side of the duplex, called, and immediately got a can. :( Then someone else moved in and then out, and took the can with her. :( Somewhere in there, I took the can at the other side of the duplex. Those folks of course got one immediately when they moved in. :( During the times I didn't have a can, I put my trash in someone else's. Which was ok, since they didn't care, and people put their trash in mine all the time.

    Somehow my side of the duplex had 2 recycling bins (both broken). I stacked one in another and used them. Gave one to another neighbor (yet another one next door) when I moved out.

    Took neither trash nor recycling bins when I left. Fortunately the new place has both in good repair.

    By Blogger Joseph H. Vilas, at 4:31 PM  

  • Thanks, Barry! I'm sure it must have been your post that led to this 12/14 email:

    Thanking for contacting Durham One Call, a replacement cart will be delivered no later than December 21, 2007.

    This was probably about a 1 1/2, on a scale of 1 to 10, as a gripe. I'll be sure to ask for your assistance with all my other various gripes. (Inaccessible sidewalks, frat-boys' cars in no-parking zones, weekly Durham News litter...hey, wait, there was no Durham News delivered this past weekend...maybe I can shut up about that one...)

    By Blogger toastie, at 9:32 PM  

  • I was all set to rant about how I didn't get back new trashcan. But this afternoon, it came! Green and clean, and it closes all the way!

    Now, they left the old one in front of my house. I guess waste management does not dispose of its own waste containers. Or it's been left as a souvenir of my first year in Walltown. I guess I can use it as a rain barrel. I'll wheel it to Whole Foods and give out water! Hehe.

    By Blogger toastie, at 3:36 PM  

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