Ann Coulter is a fucking moron
From Media Matters:
During the October 8 edition of CNBC's The Big Idea, host Donny Deutsch asked right-wing pundit Ann Coulter: "If you had your way ... and your dreams, which are genuine, came true ... what would this country look like?" Coulter responded, "It would look like New York City during the [2004] Republican National Convention. In fact, that's what I think heaven is going to look like." She described the convention as follows: "People were happy. They're Christian. They're tolerant. They defend America." Deutsch then asked, "It would be better if we were all Christian?" to which Coulter responded, "Yes." Later in the discussion, Deutsch said to her: "[Y]ou said we should throw Judaism away and we should all be Christians," and Coulter again replied, "Yes." When pressed by Deutsch regarding whether she wanted to be like "the head of Iran" and "wipe Israel off the Earth," Coulter stated: "No, we just want Jews to be perfected, as they say. ... That's what Christianity is. We believe the Old Testament, but ours is more like Federal Express. You have to obey laws."
Labels: idiots
Is it just me or does anyone else should she be writing scripts for Mel Brooks movies?
Anonymous, at 9:49 AM
er, I meant to say 'does anyone else think'...
Anonymous, at 9:50 AM
I look on the rise of Ann Coulter as one of the most shameful episodes in the incredibly shameful history of neo-conservativism: here is a woman who is quite obviously and painfully mentally ill, with more unexamined issues than someone who's had a 20-year subscription to the New Yorker. So what do the conservatives do with her? First, they fucked her literally, with the old fat cats using her father complex to pass her around as a party favor. And then they trotted her out on television because she was a thin blonde and was willing to say the outrageous things they were thinking -- note that it took an obviously mentally ill person to go on record saying them!
And now the poor bitch is growing old and turning into a hag in front of our eyes, and younger, prettier, more naturally blonde neo-conservative shills are displacing her, and she's pretty much been abandoned by the old fucks who used her in the first place. So she's getting even kookier and shriller in an attmept to keep their attention.
Honestly, it's just sad. We should all ignore her and hope her family gets her treatment or she has a psychotic break on camera and gets carted away for the drugs and long-term treatment she so desperately needs.
Anonymous, at 11:37 AM
ncAs anonymous said,
We should all ignore her.
What was your post about, again?
Anonymous, at 9:26 PM
well, yes she is, but I've sworn off bothering to notice.
Roger Owen Green, at 3:52 PM
Okay, look, this is obviously a "schtick" mAnn has discovered one day and it has since made her a lot of money.
It's a weird kind of shock theatre, almost like punk (and she's old enough to know how that works). She probably figures she'll keep providing her tasteless form of cable-tv demolition derby until they take her book contracts away. Which by then, she won't need to work another day. It's a very cynical enterprise, but I don't blame her--I blame everyone else!
I blame mAnn's paying customers. Neo-cons, Republicans, fascists, nazis, klansmen and others. Then I blame mAnn's "opposition". WHY do you bother giving her viewpoint any credence? Whining about mAnn Coulter only makes her stronger.
Just ignore the bitch.
Tony, at 10:01 AM
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