Homeland security?
Yesterday it was Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff, who oversees a department with a pretty large budget, saying he had a "gut feeling" that the US was under increased threat of attack from terrorists this summer.
Today we learn that the problem may not be terrorists, but rather more Bush Administration incompetence:
As far as i can tell, the entire modus operandi of the Bush administration is to sow fear among the people, and then claim they are the only ones who can keep us safe.
Where have we seen that before?
By the way, Chertoff backed off his remarks a bit when he got called out on them.
Today we learn that the problem may not be terrorists, but rather more Bush Administration incompetence:
Undercover investigators, working for a fake firm, obtained a license to buy enough radioactive material to build a "dirty bomb," amid little scrutiny from federal regulators, according to a government report obtained on Wednesday.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued the license to the dummy company in just 28 days with only a cursory review, the Government Accountability Office said in a report to be released on Thursday.
The GAO, which set up the sting, said the NRC approved the license after a couple of faxes and phones calls and then mailed it to the phony company's headquarters -- a drop box at a United Parcel Service location.
"From the date of application to the issuance of the license, the entire process lasted 28 days," the GAO said. "GAO investigators essentially obtained a valid materials license from the NRC without ever leaving their desks."
As far as i can tell, the entire modus operandi of the Bush administration is to sow fear among the people, and then claim they are the only ones who can keep us safe.
Where have we seen that before?
By the way, Chertoff backed off his remarks a bit when he got called out on them.
Labels: Bush administration, idiots
Try this one:
You know all the fun and joy of flying commercially? The long lines, the frisking, the pulling people out of the line at random, the multi-million dollar x-ray machines? You know all that stuff?
Try a private jet. Or any private aircraft. No lines. No Homeland Security. Just you. Maybe even a pilot.
You can even keep your shoes on.
I don't want to suggest what an individual could do with a private aircraft, unsupervised by our donut-eatin' pals at "Homeland" "Security", but I think you get the picture.
I call this so-called "Security" scheme a fraud.
Tony, at 8:18 AM
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