Serene, and a little bit out of touch with reality
So there's this WaPo article on Obama's new environmental team. (Steven Chu, who is supposedly being tapped for Energy Secretary, seems like an especially brilliant choice.) the gist of the article, as so often mainstream media attempts to portray the world, is that some in the environmental movement see the new players as "not radical enough" while some in the business community see them as "too radical."
Especially clueless is the VP of the US Chamber of Commerce:
Let's see if i have this right. The entire US automaking industry is about ready to declare bankruptcy and this moron is worried that limiting greenhouse gas emissions is goin gto be a problem because of the economic downturn? He probaby thinks that if we cut the capital gains tax, the recession will be over.

What part of "you guys fucked it all up and you don't get to make the decisions any more" do they not understand?
Especially clueless is the VP of the US Chamber of Commerce:
Industry groups were more cautious. At the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Vice President William Kovacs said the group worried that the new officials would use their power to limit greenhouse-gas emissions and impose painful new costs on energy use.
"I think that they could be aggressive, and we're hoping that they're really going to look at the circumstances" of the economic downturn, Kovacs said. "That is our biggest single concern, because literally all three of them have a regulatory bent."
Let's see if i have this right. The entire US automaking industry is about ready to declare bankruptcy and this moron is worried that limiting greenhouse gas emissions is goin gto be a problem because of the economic downturn? He probaby thinks that if we cut the capital gains tax, the recession will be over.

What part of "you guys fucked it all up and you don't get to make the decisions any more" do they not understand?
Sweet Jesus on a pogo stick, Batman!
Tony, at 10:03 PM
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