Have you been harmed by an occult?
This is really too good to leave buried on some two-bit conservative website.
Readers of two-bit liberal websites deserve this kind of entertainment as well.
UPDATE: For those of you who have asked, no this isn't a parody. This is a real video made by real conservatives, hoping to raise enough money to run it as an ad on a real TV station.
Readers of two-bit liberal websites deserve this kind of entertainment as well.
UPDATE: For those of you who have asked, no this isn't a parody. This is a real video made by real conservatives, hoping to raise enough money to run it as an ad on a real TV station.
Labels: idiots, Republicans
You are correct to poke fun at the DA's office and media for injection of "satan" and "cult" into this case, but it seems that you are conveniently leaving out one obvious contradiction.
You have to agree that it's perfectly appropriate to make fun of conservative public figures who are involved in "kinky" sex acts regardless of whether they committed a crime or not. The hypocrisy of the situation is just funny.
I always think of this classic song: http://youtube.com/watch?v=VyeMNCWgDHA
Well, you have to admit that this current situation is also funny, regardless of the guilt or innocence of the accused. The concept of "new age" therapies and spirituality leading to "kinky" sex acts is funny in a similar way that the concept of Bobby Brown is funny.
It's too bad that you find it necessary to choose sides on the liberal/conserve fight over this case, because you are missing out on some funny jokes. Old Frank would make fun of ALL of the hypocrites.
Unfortunately, conservatives aren't really smart enough to construct these types of jokes, because this sort of thinking would lead to many unwelcome revelations. Oh well. A missed opportunity.
Anonymous, at 9:24 PM
Did you read the blog last week? I thought a whole week's worth of "Magic" music videos was aimed at "new age" practitioners, and was at the very least amusing.
But what do i know? I keep forgetting that lefties have no sense of humor.
Barry, at 10:42 PM
Can someone help me mis-spell or call the Republican Party a funny name that makes it clear that I have a high level of contempt for them?
BTW, this has nothing to do with their funny ad. Bravo, I say! So this is one satanic ritual allegation versus a mob of sexually-repressed, in-the-closet white guys in suits. Sounds fair to me. Shoot, I'll throw in Bill and we're still ahead.
Anyway, back to my original thread. Should we use instead, "Republic Party" (naw, sounds too regal), how about "Republikan Party" (er, what is this, 1968?). I don't like "Rethuglican" because it sounds like a schoolyard taunt. And they're not really thugs, they're more like sociopathic gang members. See the dilemna? What I've been using lately is more adjectives like "once honorable Republican Party." Kinda has a ring to it.
Wait-wait. Brainstorm. What do you think of "Republican't Party"? They don't want any government, so why should they get to run it, right?
Tony, at 11:45 PM
You're forgetting the obvious Grand Old Party, which is nearly always used tongue in cheek.
Kinda like when the Wall Street Journal editorial board refers to the Congress as The World's Greatest Deliberative Body.
KeepDurhamDifferent!, at 10:52 AM
I'm a fan of just pronouncing it the "Republicon" party. The whole thing about the "Democrat party" is that it's designed to subtly emphasize the "rat" at the end. Calling the GOP a bunch of "cons" works too, and is surprisingly accurate these days.
Unknown, at 3:27 PM
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