Throw the book at him
Pro golfer Tripp Isenhour apparently was irritated by a noisy red-shouldered hawk while he was taping a video at Orlando's Grand Cypress Golf Club. So he took took aim with his golf club and after 9 attempts felled the protected bird, which was singing away in a nearby tree. Now Orange County prosecutors have filed two misdemeanor charges -- cruelty to animals and killing an migratory bird -- against the 39-year-old Nationwide Tour player. Tripp could face up to a $10,000 fine.
The fatal swing took place on Dec. 12 while Isenhour was taping a video "Shoot Like a Pro." A film crew was taping the Orlando golfer saying some lines when the hawk started singing about 300 yards away. Its noise stopped the taping at least twice, said sound engineer Jethro Senger. That's what appeared to set Isenhour off, according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reports. He hopped into a golf cart and drove around a lake to the tree where the bird sat. For 10 minutes, while the crew waited, Isenhour hit several golf balls toward the bird.
The golfer gave up and returned the set, Senger told investigators. The bird then flew closer to the crew and perched in a tall tree about 75 yards away. He continued singing. Isenhour started hitting drives at the bird -- getting closer with each swing, witnesses told investigators. One ball hit the tree trunk, making a loud sound. On his 10th swing, the ball hit the bird, causing it to fall more than 30 feet to the ground. Isenhour yelled, "I didn't think I would hit it."
We've had red shouldered hawks nesting within a block or two of our house for at least three of the past 6 years. They're amazing creatures, and when you hear a pair of them calling to each other, you know it's time to get the cats inside. That this guy spent so much time tracking this bird down is inconceivable. Not only does he need to spend a bit of time behind bars, as well as pay a hefty fine and do some community service, the rest of the damn film crew needs to take some lessons in responsibility as well.
Labels: animal cruelty
I suggest that in lieu of a fine, they tie him to a tree and let John Daly tee up 20 yards away and take shots an hour at him, for a couple of hours.
I guess these morons never heard of looping ADR -- I'm pretty sure that just about any quality production shooting outside would take the need to re-record dialogue into consideration, given wind noise, jets, etc.
Dan S., at 7:34 PM
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