But, Barry Ragin, that case is still questionable. Still shades of gray. Unlike the duke case, it didn't involve a whole community involved in the witch hunt, a corrupt D.A., a corrupt DNA lab, etc.
Yes, shockingly enough, not all the details were exactly the same.
By that token, the LAX case has nothing to do with the Alan Gell case because although there was rampant prosecutorial misconduct and withheld evidence, the players never spent 9 years on death row for a crime they didn't commit.
Since 1949, Durhamites have slept soundly, secure in the knowledge that, in our town, erection can be depended upon. Now, thanks to the power of the internets, we can spread that security all over the world.
Yes, the Diallo case was bad too. Good thing the Duke case reminds us of other cases like it, and reminds us we must keep "eternal vigilance.
Anonymous, at 4:14 PM
Yes, the Diallo case was bad too.
Umm, yeah. i guess it was.
Him being dead and all.
Barry, at 7:18 PM
But, Barry Ragin, that case is still questionable. Still shades of gray. Unlike the duke case, it didn't involve a whole community involved in the witch hunt, a corrupt D.A., a corrupt DNA lab, etc.
Anonymous, at 10:22 PM
Ummm, what's questionable about the Diallo case? Is there a chance he might not be dead?
Barry, at 3:29 AM
Yes, shockingly enough, not all the details were exactly the same.
By that token, the LAX case has nothing to do with the Alan Gell case because although there was rampant prosecutorial misconduct and withheld evidence, the players never spent 9 years on death row for a crime they didn't commit.
Unknown, at 11:32 AM
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