Dependable Erection

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Beaver Queen Pageant performances - World Wide Beaver

World Wide Beaver 精度、強靱さ、そして使いやすさに優れ、travels the space/time continuum 世界中から高い評価を得ている「スイスミリタリー」。今回紹介する 「スイスミリタリー ELEGANT」はスポーツ、ビジネス、カジュアルなど、どんなシーンでも活躍するスマートなフォルムのデザインにメタリックで艶のあるカラーをプラス。是非、お気に入りの一本に so please enjoy!

And with this, our coverage of the 2007 Beaver Queen Pageant will essentially come to a close. If any amazing snippets of audio or video come our way, we'll put them up, and we'll remind you from time to time that you can go to Beaver Lodge 1504's YouTube page to view any of the videos that are posted. And of course, when the DVD is available, we'll tell you how to get your copy.

And stay tuned for details on the 4th Annual Beaver Queen pageant, to be held in the spring of 2008. We've already had plenty of inquiries from aspiring contestants, so it's likely that the qualifying rounds will be a lot more interesting next year.

Thanks to everyone at Beaver Lodge 1504 for allowing us to share in the joy as the Official Blog of the 2007 Beaver Queen Pageant™, and a special hug of gratitude for Ms. Katherine DeNerve, for everything she's done to advance the cause of beavers in Duke Park, and everywhere.



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